Unable to DMT a BOM


I am attempting to update an existing PartMtl record using the DMT Engineering > Bill of Materials upload. I have tried numerous times with the same unsuccessful outcome. After close to 9 minutes, DMT issues the following error message:
TopAssy RevA Component1 Table: ECORev Msg: Record not available.

My Epicor version is 10.2.300.4, and the DMT version is for 10.2.300.

FYI, I am able to make the updates via the Engineering Workbench.

Can someone please explain what this error message means, and what I am doing wrong?

Thank you.

I think the BOM needs to be checked out and in an open ECO. When you test it in Eng Work bench, leave it checked out and unapproved. Then try the DMT.

I am testing before uploading many BOMs. The same error was thrown when I tried to insert a BOM using DMT.

We used DMT to migrate individual boms for testing and also all our Vantage boms at go live.

Process has to be

Import all manufactured parts on a bom

Import all purchased parts on a bom (you can combine this with the manufactured parts)

Import all relevant revision for the manufactured parts

Import the part operations making sure op sequence matches the related operation the material in the next step is going to refer to

Import the part materials - related operation should relate to the relevant op sequence above - this is really important for back flushing

Also check the case on the part and the rev number as DMT doesn’t like the same value in a different case - the E10 client is more forgiving.

All parts (both manufactured and purchased) have been loaded into the: Part, PartPlant, and PartRev tables via DMT. All parts have a revision.

The RelatedOperation field value was blank for testing purposes. Before loading the full set of BOMs, we will definitely heed your advice and properly initialize the field value.

Also, all strings have been converted to upper case before the records were DMT’ed.

If you can manually create a BOM, then you obviously have all the elements (Parts, Ops, ECO) you need. You should be able to make the BOM via DMT.

Try making a BOM from scratch. Make it a new rev. Use Eng Workbench to add a single part to the BOM. Set only the minimal fields: PartNum and QtyPer. No operations. Check in and approve the Rev. If you can do that, then you have everything DMT should need.

Next unapprove that rev, and check it out to the same ECO. Remove the lone part. Check it back in and approve the Rev

Now try to DMT that single part into the BOM. Again use the minimum fields the DMT requires: Company, PartNum, RevisionNum, MtlSeq, MtlPartNum, Plant, ECOGroupID, MtlSeq, MtlPartNum

See if that errors out

One more thing…

DMT (at least older versions) did not respect the MtlSeq value you provide. It will make the MtlSeq be 10,20,30, … regardless of what your file says. When Adding records, it finds the next multiple of 10, greater than the max sequence number.

For example (not all required DMT fields shown):

Company, ECOGroupID, PartNum, MtlSeq, MtlPartNum

Would produce a BOM with (4) MtlSeq’s, but it would be:

MtlSeq, MtlPartNum
10, CHILD01
20, CHILD02
30, CHILD03
40, CHILD04

So if any of the lines re-referenced the original MtlSeq, they would be be incorrect. This is especially important if you don’t update the BOM’s in one pass (like if you just set the minimal fields on the first pass, and then did a second pass to add things like comments or references).

I am in the process of doing a migration and have run across this too.

DMT Version DMT version is for 10.2.300. doesn’t work for BOM’s use DMT for 10.2.300 - it’s a known issue with .37 - .35 can be downloaded on EpicWeb.


I ran into the same issue last week, when doing the process with an older DMT version, it worked correctly. Took a few hours of troubleshooting to come up with that answer.

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I thought DMT automatically unapproved and checked it out…I could be wrong.

You’re probably correct. I’m just throwing out things to try.

But it looks like the real solution is

… for 10.2.300. doesn’t work for BOM’s use DMT for 10.2.300 - it’s a known issue with .37


Sorry…I don’t finish he thread…LOL

We are also experiencing this at this time. We are trying to revert back to an Older version of the DMT Tool

Thanks for the heads up on that one. Previous version of DMT here I come. Glad I keep my old copies.

fyi it is still not working in .39

We are running DMT for 10.2.300. We recently upgraded while we started implementing to 10.2.300 from 10.1.500. My DMT’s that I built months ago for all the Manf parts and Kit parts loaded fine now with the new version I keep getting the error “AltMethod Input String was not in a correct format”. ON the older version I learned I HAD to have this column in there, but blank, for it to load. Now it accepts nothing in that column. Does anyone know of a tried and true way to load M and K parts into 10.2.300 now?? We are set to go live in 2 weeks and now I have to hand type in hundreds of parts and kits?

Can you post your template fields? Have you tried to build a new template. Version 41 is out now for DMT.

The release notes for include “Inventory > Part > Part Revision - The AltMethod is unnecessarily required by the Part Revision import(JIRA # DMT-132)”.

Company PartNum RevisionNum RevDescription RevShortDesc Approved EffectiveDate ApprovedBy ApprovedDate ECO AltMethod

THis is how I laid out the Part Revision DMT, i checked my original file from 10/28/18 and this matches it. I worked on that for awhile till I learned through trial and error that I needed to add AltMethod but leave it blank while adding in the approved and effective dates. This loaded back in october to our test DB that was running on 10.1.500 at the time. We upgraded everything in Feb to 10.2.300 along wiht the DMT tools to now it can’t load and I can’t load the BOM’s till I get all the revisions laid out.

Should I upgrade to 41 on the DMT or downgrade as some suggest to 35?

talked to epiccare they are well aware of the issue. as soon as i sent it in they sent the .35 version for the DMT for us to install