Unshipping a shipment does not create PartAlloc record

Hi All,


We hard allocated all sales orders and all job materials.
When we ship and order in Customer Shipment Entry, we have a customization that reads the allocations to fill in the details for the shipment line.
In both E9 and E10, when the shipment is marked as shipped, it would delete the allocation record.

In E9.05.702, if we had to unshipped the shipment, Epicor would create a PartAlloc record to put the material being shipped into a picked status. This prevented us from being able to allocate to material that was already on a Pack ID.
In E10, the PartAlloc record is not getting created when the shipment is marked as unshipped. As a result, we run into issues where someone may allocated to material that is on an unshipped Pack ID, which then causes issues.

Based on my description, has anyone else run into this issue? Is it a bug or an intentional change in the software. Maybe I’m missing a setting that has to be flagged.

Thanks all.
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We run into this as well. It has only happened a few times since our recent upgrade from 8. The short term solution for us is to use the Unpick Sales Order function.

We wrote a BAQ to help track it for now, like I mentioned not happening often enough for a real fix.

I can share the BAQ with you if you want.

Bryan DeRuvo

Thanks Bryan. I’d like to check out the BAQ.

Epicor Applications Manager
DIRECT: 508.597.1392 x1625 | MOBILE: 774.826.9245


I couldn’t attach the baq file (or a zip). change the file extension from .txt to .baq. We are running 10.1.400.4, let me know if have any issue importing.

It’s a simple query on the part allocations table.

-Bryan DeRuvo

PartAllocation.baq.txt (20.3 KB)

Sorry, that was an oversight, we’ve added some typical ‘Epicor’ file extensions .baq, .bpm, .dbd, .scs etc for sharing imports and exports.

Thanks Rob! The new site is awesome, thank you!