Updatable BAQ with multi-business objects

Hi, I am doing an updatable BAQ with POHeader table and POApvMsg table. I need update POHeader.ApprovedAmount and POApvMsg.ApproverResponse. When I selected BPM Update, there are two business objects, POHeader and POApvMsg. So after mapping query and object. there is an error:
‘Erp.Tablesets.UpdExtPOApvMsgTableset’ does not contain a definition for ‘POHeader’ and no extension method ‘POHeader’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Erp.Tablesets.UpdExtPOApvMsgTableset’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
Is that mean I can’t map them in multi-business object?
if not, how can I update fields in different tables?

The tables must be part of the Update.Ext dataset in one Business Object, which they are not. This can be accomplished by using the Advanced BPM Update.

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If I use advanced BPM update, do I need to copy base-processing code which auto generated from BPM update?
Do you have an example BAQ which use Advanced BPM Update?

Are you still looking for an example? I can provide one but curious why you just don’t use the list view of PO Approvals for this? Are you attempting to update these after the fact?

I wanted to update ApprovedAmount in POHeader table and ApproverResponse and MsgText in POApvMsg table at the same time. But POheader and POApvMsg are two different business objects. So I an wondering whether I can make it updatable via Advanced BPM update or not. I would so thank you if you could provide me an example. Because I really don’t know what should I created in method directives in Advanced BPM update.