Updatable Embedded Dashboard

This has me scratching my head. I have an updatable dashboard that I am embedding in the Part form, but I’m unable to add or update records. Surely the same dashboard that is updatable without embedding should be updatable after embedding, but I just can’t work out how to make it work.

Any experts here able to help out?

Unless someone on hear has figured out a work around you cannot use an
updateable dashboard in an embedded dashboard

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)

Thanks Mark. That’s disappointing.
I guess that we have to go down the path of just adding the controls and binding the data to them ourselves.

Sorry I missed this Andrew.

All you need to do is create a menu item for your deployed updatable dashboard, then in sheet wizard add the menu item. Voila - embedded updatable dashboard.

You can also use this to publish key fields using the sheet wizard (such as PartNum) back up to your form for record selection. I should also note I’ve seen the GUID that binds the publisher / subscriber relationship seems to regenerate when dashboards are redeployed, so you may have to regenerate your sheet each time you make changes and redeploy your dashboard. I haven’t yet found a quick fix for this, but it isn’t required unless you’re using the publish feature.