[Update] Auto-Save Date Part Was Originally Entered


Just so you know,

Here I created a BPM that is saving the date of the day of all new added
row in the table part in the field date01. I have this working for a year
now and my purchasing team really appreciate.

*Amélie Pelletier*

*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*

[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]

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*De :* vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
*Envoyé :* 22 janvier 2015 15:51
*Objet :* [Vantage] [Update] Auto-Save Date Part Was Originally Entered

Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try to get this working in our Test

Also, I have entered this as a Enhancement Request on the EUG site. It is

Thanks again.

Doug Oswald

Director of Information Technology


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Thanks for all the suggestions.  I will try to get this working in our Test environment.


Also, I have entered this as a Enhancement Request on the EUG site.  It is #990.


Thanks again.


Doug Oswald

Director of Information Technology



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