User Credentials Lookup

Yes, our live is 9.05 but… don’t worry because…

I’m developing against Epicor because we’re in the midst of testing and getting ready to go live later this summer. So do you know any examples I can peek at? I did some research and Stackoverflow doesn’t have much in the way of examples.

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I just a POST HTTP call with the params I provided. You can use POSTMAN to see what the code would look like in PHP



$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\r\n  \"userID\": \"epicor\",\r\n  \"password\": \"epicor\"\r\n}",
    "Authorization: Basic ZXBpY29yOmVwaWNvcg==",
    "Cache-Control: no-cache",
    "Content-Type: application/json",
    "Postman-Token: e70e4fdb-1269-4747-ad06-66f4742597ba"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
  echo $response;

or using PHP HttpRequest


$request = new HttpRequest();

  'Postman-Token' => '6444c111-114f-404f-a7e3-66af2863c925',
  'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
  'Authorization' => 'Basic ZXBpY29yOmVwaWNvcg==',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json'

  "userID": "epicor",
  "password": "epicor"

try {
  $response = $request->send();

  echo $response->getBody();
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
  echo $ex;
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Which aspects are you interested in?

Have you looked at the swagger endpoints? The REST docs?

I know kinda conceptually what REST is, but practically not how to use it. I think the examples that Jose posted will get me started.

Read up on the ERP implementation in the Help system. Glance at my original Rest Novel I did coming out of Beta a ways back. Post questions like crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Also take a look at the token service for auth:

Just add the token as a Bearer header and auth done…

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So I tried to connect to the TRAIN database with manager’s credentials and I’m getting an error in POSTMAN (which is a neat little program).

Are there any user settings in Epicor that have to be set so that I can get a valid response?

And yes, the credentials work if I log into the main Epicor application.

What is an access token? How do I get one? Does there need to be a new one each request?

Bearer tokens? JWT Tokens?

ERP 10 has a Token Service to request a jwt token for use as an authentication token. You can set the key and lifespan on the token service in Admin Console.

How to obtain and use one is documented in the REST help:

Simply as to the header of your server calls instead of username / password.
NOTE - Tokens WILL expire. You need to determine how you wish to handle that.
You can determine how long the token lives for (e.g. 24 hours) and set a client timer to obtain a new one at 23 hours.
Or you can prompt for user to log in again when it expires (Think Office 365 / WIndows Accounts - you go into website and are logged in already (their token is in browser cache or similar). If the token expires, the Windows Account login is popped.

In postman just basic auth with name and password should be enougth

Hello Olga,

In postman for this REST service basic auth worked: https://xxx-epicor10/E10Train/api/v1/Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc/SalesOrders

However for this REST service basic auth does not work: https://xxx-epicor10/E10Train/api/v1/Ice.BO.UserFileSvc/ValidatePassword

Would you know where I can find out how to correctly get the validatepassword service to work?

It doesn’t work? What does it give you?

It works in Swagger tester but not the POSTMAN app, but I guess as long as I can use Swagger the postman app is unnecessary.

I’m looking at the help Epicor documentation. Is there a section about authentication to use these REST services?

For instance, on my webpage I’ll have a form and when I click a button I want to take the user inputted userID & Password, and then test it against this service. But how does my webpage have rights to run a lookup against this service since I had to log in to get to see it in the swagger tool?

Authentication goes in the header of the REQUEST. To see if the password was correct just make a call to the REST endpoint (any service) I like to use Company or UserFile or BAQ and see if you get a valid response.
If you get 401 that’s a bad uname / password if you get 200 then you are good.
The web-page doesn’t need any rights authentication happens based on that header you send in your GET/POST
Now if you are making the call from the client browser using JS then you’ll get into CORS issues… but I’m hoping that’s not the case.

The idea is that a user visits an internal webpage running on a different webserver on our network.

I have a simple workflow in mind:

They input their username and password. They click a button and it submits a PHP form.

On the page that they submit to (ie the action property of the html form), I want to take the user input and call this service to check if the username and password were legit. If they were then I want to redirect them to a secure page, otherwise return them to the login page.

I guess I don’t know what that check request script would look like.

I gave you two examplees in PHP above, just make that call and see what response you get.

$response //should be true or false or blank

The first one (with CURL) ran but didn’t echo anything out so I’m not sure if it worked or not.
I’m not sure what CURL is or how to use it so I will do some research on that, maybe take an online course about it.

The second one said it couldn’t find class HttpRequest. Is that a library or package available somewhere that you know of? I’m using PHP7 on Apache. Is there an extension I need to enable?

Also in both of your examples it has Postman-Token and Authorization. Don’t those values have to be specific to my script or server?

If you use Postman you can use it like this

Thank you Dan I was able to get POSTMAN to test it out thanks to your screenshot.

Okay Jose, I’m getting closer: this is the response I get when using the CURL method:

cURL Error #:SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I guess I’m unsure about what the Postman-Token should be or how I would generate that for each request.