That what I thought, but when I looked there was not a file with that name. So I don't know if I ever had it or not. So I guess I will just make one. Thanks!
--- In, "Dale Dalton" <daled@...> wrote:
> Randy - It's very similar in version ; the backup utility is still
> named "mfgbkup" but its located in the \epicor\oe101b\bin folder.
> echo Running Backup for Monday...
> @echo off
> e:
> cd \epicor\oe101b\bin
> mfgbkup online e:\epicor\mfgsys803\db\mfgsys
> f:\backup\databases\backup803.Mon
> Dale Dalton
> Complete Home Concepts, Inc.
> Riverside, MO. 64150
> 816-471-6262 (Main)
> 816-777-3725 (DID)
> 816-838-7969 (Cell)
> _____
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> randyduly
> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] V8.03.4xx Nightly Backup
> OK, so tell me where they moved the backup utility in Vantage 8. I am used
> to running "BACKMFG.BAT" from Windows Task Scheduler in Vantage 6.1. Which
> basically run the following commands:
> echo Running Backup...
> @echo on
> D:
> cd \epicor\prgs91d\bin
> mfgbkup online D:\epicor\mfgsys61\db\mfgsys D:\epicor\backup\backup.1
> Thanks.
> Randy Duly
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]