V8.03.4xx Nightly Backup

That what I thought, but when I looked there was not a file with that name. So I don't know if I ever had it or not. So I guess I will just make one. Thanks!

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Dale Dalton" <daled@...> wrote:
> Randy - It's very similar in version 8.03.xxx ; the backup utility is still
> named "mfgbkup" but its located in the \epicor\oe101b\bin folder.
> echo Running Backup for Monday...
> @echo off
> e:
> cd \epicor\oe101b\bin
> mfgbkup online e:\epicor\mfgsys803\db\mfgsys
> f:\backup\databases\backup803.Mon
> Dale Dalton
> Complete Home Concepts, Inc.
> Riverside, MO. 64150
> 816-471-6262 (Main)
> 816-777-3725 (DID)
> 816-838-7969 (Cell)
> _____
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
> randyduly
> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:18 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] V8.03.4xx Nightly Backup
> OK, so tell me where they moved the backup utility in Vantage 8. I am used
> to running "BACKMFG.BAT" from Windows Task Scheduler in Vantage 6.1. Which
> basically run the following commands:
> echo Running Backup...
> @echo on
> D:
> cd \epicor\prgs91d\bin
> mfgbkup online D:\epicor\mfgsys61\db\mfgsys D:\epicor\backup\backup.1
> Thanks.
> Randy Duly
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
OK, so tell me where they moved the backup utility in Vantage 8. I am used to running "BACKMFG.BAT" from Windows Task Scheduler in Vantage 6.1. Which basically run the following commands:

echo Running Backup...
@echo on
cd \epicor\prgs91d\bin
mfgbkup online D:\epicor\mfgsys61\db\mfgsys D:\epicor\backup\backup.1


Randy Duly

Here is the contents of my nightly backup batch file for 8.03.408B:

@echo off

Rem This is a batch file to backup your Progress 10.1B database

Rem You will need one of these files for each database you want to

Rem You will need to edit the SET statements for your installation

Rem Do not edit anything other than the SET statements

Rem Edit below -----------------------------------------------

Rem set your Progress directory, using only the physical path

SET XPrgsDir=C:\epicor\oe101b

Rem set your Database file, using only the physical path

SET XDbFile=C:\epicor\mfgsys803\db\mfgsys

Rem set your backup file and backup log file, using only a physical path

SET XBackupFile=C:\backups\Live\LiveBkup.1

SET XBackupLogFile=C:\backups\Live\LiveBkupLog.wri

Rem Do Not edit below -----------------------------------------

Rem Run backup

Call %XPrgsDir%\bin\probkup online %XDbFile% %XBackupFile% >>

Rem Run verification of backup

Call %XPrgsDir%\bin\prorest %XDbFile% %XBackupFile% -vp >>

Rem blank the variables out, since we are finished with them

SET XPrgsDir=""

SET XDbFile=""

SET XBackupFile=""

SET XBackupLogFile=""

You may need to change the location of your database if you have moved
it to a different physical drive as we have.

Best regards,


William Hannah

Director of Finance

William Frick & Company

Direct: 847.918.7338



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of randyduly
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:18 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] V8.03.4xx Nightly Backup

OK, so tell me where they moved the backup utility in Vantage 8. I am
used to running "BACKMFG.BAT" from Windows Task Scheduler in Vantage
6.1. Which basically run the following commands:

echo Running Backup...
@echo on
cd \epicor\prgs91d\bin
mfgbkup online D:\epicor\mfgsys61\db\mfgsys D:\epicor\backup\backup.1


Randy Duly


William Frick & Co's SmartMarkT RFID Named to 2008 Top Ten Products List

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Randy - It's very similar in version 8.03.xxx ; the backup utility is still
named "mfgbkup" but its located in the \epicor\oe101b\bin folder.

echo Running Backup for Monday...

@echo off


cd \epicor\oe101b\bin

mfgbkup online e:\epicor\mfgsys803\db\mfgsys

Dale Dalton

Complete Home Concepts, Inc.

Riverside, MO. 64150

816-471-6262 (Main)

816-777-3725 (DID)

816-838-7969 (Cell)


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:18 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] V8.03.4xx Nightly Backup

OK, so tell me where they moved the backup utility in Vantage 8. I am used
to running "BACKMFG.BAT" from Windows Task Scheduler in Vantage 6.1. Which
basically run the following commands:

echo Running Backup...
@echo on
cd \epicor\prgs91d\bin
mfgbkup online D:\epicor\mfgsys61\db\mfgsys D:\epicor\backup\backup.1


Randy Duly

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Randy - It's very similar in version 8.03.xxx ; the backup
> utility is still
> named "mfgbkup" but its located in the \epicor\oe101b\bin folder.

And in Epicor 9, the default location is: "<drive>:\Program
Files\Epicor\oe101c\bin" folder. With the embedded spaces, remember to put
quotes around the command.

Mark W.