Hi Ken,
I'll chime in again with about the same. We looked at CRM and determined that it just isn't viable as a true replacement for something such as ACT or SalesForce. However, with some (possibly massive) customizations it could work I think but it would probably require some service connect stuff at least for us. I haven't looked at the Outlook integration but I haven't heard good reviews either.
I'll chime in again with about the same. We looked at CRM and determined that it just isn't viable as a true replacement for something such as ACT or SalesForce. However, with some (possibly massive) customizations it could work I think but it would probably require some service connect stuff at least for us. I haven't looked at the Outlook integration but I haven't heard good reviews either.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Sioux Steam <siouxsteam@...> wrote:
> Happy New Year to Vantage/Yahoo User Group
> ÂÂ
> I would like your input on Epicor’s CRM (Customer Relations Management) capabilities.
> ÂÂ
> We have been using Vantage since 2002 and are currently on version 8.03.305H. We are planning to upgrade to Epicor 9 sometime in the future.ÂÂ
> ÂÂ
> In 2010 our goal is to set-up and start using CRM. We are in the early stages of investigating Epicor’s Vantage CRM capabilities versus purchasing a CRM software package from ACT, Microsoft, or Goldmine or SalesForce. We have done some preliminary review of the outside alternatives but our goal is to use Epicor-Vantage’s CRM if it works well enough, to avoid maintaining two separate systems, which we would like to avoid.ÂÂ
> ÂÂ
> This is where I can use your help. We need to know who is using this software and how well it works. Please email me your feedback on the Excel survey form that is attached to this email. Your feedback is really appreciated. If you would like to receive a copy of the results, indicate that and I will send you a copy.ÂÂ
> ÂÂ
> Thank-You Very Much For Your Input.
> ÂÂ
> Ken Ausdemore
> Controller/IT/HR -- Sioux Corporation
> Email: kausdemore@...
> Direct #:  605-763-4033  ÂÂ
> Fax #:      605-763-3334
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]