What's going on here?


I’m trying to attempt was has been discussed here

and here

In my case, I want to connect the AprvMfg table and Manufacturer table such that each row of my result set consists of one column containing the part number and a second containing a list of all manufacturers for that parts. I even downloaded and imported the sample BAQ from @josecgomez and tweaked it for my needs. Yet my result still is like this (looking at three different parts for testing):

Where am I going wrong?

If you have SQL 2017 or newer, I’d go with String_Agg it’s much easier. Here is a discussion on it. https://www.epiusers.hel/t/for-xml-path-versus-string-agg/71556

Here is a quick BAQ I setup in the psuedoSQL

	[InvcHead].[Company] as [InvcHead_Company],
	[InvcHead].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcHead_InvoiceNum],
	(String_Agg(OrderNums.InvcDtl1_OrderNum,', ')) as [Calculated_SONum]
from Erp.InvcHead as InvcHead
left outer join  (select distinct
	[InvcDtl1].[Company] as [InvcDtl1_Company],
	[InvcDtl1].[InvoiceNum] as [InvcDtl1_InvoiceNum],
	[InvcDtl1].[OrderNum] as [InvcDtl1_OrderNum]
from Erp.InvcDtl as InvcDtl1)  as OrderNums on 
	InvcHead.Company = OrderNums.InvcDtl1_Company
	and InvcHead.InvoiceNum = OrderNums.InvcDtl1_InvoiceNum
group by [InvcHead].[Company],

wipString_Agg.baq (25.2 KB)

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Thank you Randy, but unfortunately we are still on 2014.

What version of E10 are you on? Can you upload your BAQ (minus any UD fields)?

We are on 10.2.500.15

test_QualMfgs2.baq (20.3 KB)

Looks right per Jose’s BAQ which works. Have you tried swapping the tables so Manufacturer is the top table? We don’t use these tables so I have no data to test with.

	[AprvMfg].[PartNum] as [AprvMfg_PartNum],
	(REPLACE(REPLACE(((select distinct
	(',' + Manufacturer.Name) as [Calculated_Name]
from Erp.Manufacturer as Manufacturer
where (Manufacturer.MfgNum = AprvMfg.MfgNum FOR XML PATH('')))) , '</Calculated_Name>',''),'<Calculated_Name>','')) as [Calculated_Names]
from Erp.AprvMfg as AprvMfg

You need to join on part number if you want all the mfg’s to show on a part number. You are joining by mfg number.

There is no part number in the Manufacturer table, I’m not sure what you mean otherwise.

Your subquery needs to look like this so that you can join on part number.

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That is what I think too…
And attached a BAQ export of a quick example w/screenshot
(at least that is what I think you wanted)?

CUS-AprvMfg.baq (27.0 KB)

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@bordway Yes, that’s exactly what we’re looking for, thanks! Brandon and Randy, thanks for your input as well.