WOW.. it is a colorful April 1st!

I am probably missing some important posts here because of this post and how difficult it is to read the others… hahaha

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I turned it off we’ve had our fun if you refresh it should go away @timshuwy. I’ll send a site wide refresh command to clear everyone else stuck in the lovely rainbow (not by choice)

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wait… I didn’t get to face palm at all of the clippy jokes :frowning: #bringclippyback

He is retired; he came for the day to give us some amusement but his old bones are tired he went to bed, he may come back yet in the future, remember him fondly.


As someone who lives in New England (Mass) I am offended that you consider Florida part of us. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face:

If you really want clippy on your desktop Adam Lynch resurrected him on most OS’s:

I saw the beginning of a Will Smith joke … I was ready to cringe.

I did see a funny one of these on a Detroit IT podcast page:

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Wasn’t there a tag that admin could add to topic(or post?) that would automatically show clippy to the poster?

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Yes for a while we had one for those who didn’t format the code