Throwing this out there in case you don’t know (you maybe do?) Personalizations are customization specific. So if you add a customization, they lose their personalization. It’s annoying.
But they should be able to create a new one on top of a new customization. Is that what you are having problems with?
I have seen issues with Save Layouts & Personalizations in - .12 and guessing it is present in earlier releases as well. Save Layouts works fine on a base menu item but not a customized menu item. I also noticed that before when you could make changes using Save Layouts, go into Customization Mode, and save (to save the layout change) do not work any longer as well.
Good Morning,
I just wanted to throw a caveat out there Brandon to “if you add a customization they lose their personalization”. We use a technique that has been so very helpful for our moderately customized epicor and I’d like to share it.
We call all of our production db applied customizations with a suffix (TUSA) and use the same name again and again to overwrite existing customizations. We do save a Rev version of the customization exported to a folder and we do provide a label on the customization “Rev 1” , etc. for rev tracking of what’s actually deployed.
Using this method we don’t have to redo menu maintenance customization assignments throughout when new revision of a customization is applied to produciton. Additionally a bonus! ~ the personalizations stay for same named customization. Occasionally a new customization will corrupt a personalization, but it’s fairly rare.
I’ve been strugling with this issue this morning. A user wanted to change the “Group By” setting of a dashboard grid, to group by employee ID instead of employee name. The dashboard has a customization. The user just cannot get the “Save Layout” action to actually save the change, it reverts back to the original each time the user close/reopen the dashboard.
I found a pattern that worked:
Open the form with developer mode = off
Disable the “Group By” setting of the grid
Save Layout
Close and Reopen the form, still with developer mode = off
Enable the “Group By” setting of the grid
Drag/drop the required column header in the group by section
Save Layout
This is the only way we found to make the “Save layout” action actually save the layout.