Advanced Search SugPODtl

I would like to create an Advanced Search that could be used in New PO Suggestions.

I know that I must to use Dashboard for it so I created BAQ and then attached it to my Dashboard but can’t choose SugNum in “Like” columns.

As you can see above BAQ has this field.

Has anyone this kind of issue? What’s the reason and is it possible to make this field available to choose?

Not 100% sure, but often these require the SysRowID


Sorry but I did not understand your answer @Jason_Woods.
Could you clarify?

Add SugPoDtl.SysRowID to the BAQ and advanced search.

Jason Woods

I did it but it’s the same. Actually no column from SugPoDtl is available in Advance Search.

I ran a trace and it shows that it needs SugPoDtl.SugNum. However, that field doesn’t show in the Advanced Search area of the Dashboard. I would let support know.
Are you able to make this a Quick Search? Or, it may be possible to inject a record with a BPM on this method…

  <localTime>6/24/2020 22:47:13:5203191 PM</localTime>
  <executionTime total="175" roundTrip="170" channel="0" bpm="0" bpmDataForm="0" other="5" />
    <parameter name="productId" type="System.String"><![CDATA[EP]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="likeField" type="System.String"><![CDATA[SugPoDtl.SugNum]]></parameter>
    <returnParameter name="returnDS" type="Ice.BO.DashBdDefListDataSet">
      <DashBdDefListDataSet xmlns="" />

Thanks for quick response.
I did QuickSearch but they want more :wink:. It’s strange that columns from SugPoDtl are not available.

To be able to add QuickSearch I created temporary customization with textbox bounded to SugNum and then add QuickSearch.
After that it is visible in New Po Suggestions “Binoculars” search but only if the QuickSearch is set to Base Default.

Note it will not even appear down here if you won’t select Base Default.

A little off topic but maybe someone will find it helpful some day.

Yeah. It seem like this field isn’t setup the same as, say, Part.PartNum.