We have a steel vendor that invoices us for the material plus a steel surcharge
plus a skid charge. Three lines items on their invoice. We enter the the
surcharge and skid charge as miscellaneous charges. They allow us to take a
discount on the steel and the surcharge but not the skid charge. Vantage
calculates the discount on the steel only. Is their a way to have it include the
surcharge miscellaneous charge in the discount calculation while not including
the skid charge?
Marty Kuphall
Ultra Tool & Mfg., Inc.
Ph. 262-703-0455
Fx. 262-703-0468
plus a skid charge. Three lines items on their invoice. We enter the the
surcharge and skid charge as miscellaneous charges. They allow us to take a
discount on the steel and the surcharge but not the skid charge. Vantage
calculates the discount on the steel only. Is their a way to have it include the
surcharge miscellaneous charge in the discount calculation while not including
the skid charge?
Marty Kuphall
Ultra Tool & Mfg., Inc.
Ph. 262-703-0455
Fx. 262-703-0468