Application Studio Publishing Struggles 😭

I cant for the life of me get an application layer to publish to live. I can preview the layer just fine. I have the Kinetic Customization loaded in Menu Maintenance. Cleared cache. Logged off/on. Pushed all the different Commit/Publish buttons that I could find.
I just wont stick. Has anyone has anything similar?

I’ve had app studio do some screwy things to me. Have you tried creating a new layer name, publishing that and then updating menu maint?

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I was running into problems also. I found that if I clicked on the overflow menu (3 dots) and selected Publish from there, it seemed to publish fine. Even though the publish icon is right there, I found that didn’t always work.

Wondering if you’re on-prem? I have a client who’s SaaS and don’t have that problem, but I’ve got an on-prem where client where I had those issues.

Did that…
I am on a SaaS environment.

I haven’t had much success using a classic and kinetic menu item together. I suggest trying to deploy just a Kinetic menu item and see if you can get it to load.

On 2022.2 here, so maybe that’s the answer to the following question.

But, what is the “layerVersion” and “BaseAppVersion” here:

Mine don’t have all that…