Auto Invoicing Issue

10.1.500.17 - Anyone have any issues auto invoicing? whenever i hit shipped in Cust Ship entry i get the following. No idea what this entity thing it’s looking for is. I have a group prefix in Company config and the customer is configured for ERS invoicing. Thanks

Application Error

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

Error Detail

Message: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: entity
Program: Epicor.ServiceModel.dll
Method: ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException

Client Stack Trace

at System.Data.EntityUtil.ThrowArgumentNullException(String parameterName)
at System.Data.Objects.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Object entity, EntityState entityState)
at Ice.IceDataContext.DeleteObject(Object entity) in C:_Releases\ICE\3.1.500.17\Source\Framework\Epicor.System\Data\IceDataContext.cs:line 194
at Erp.Internal.SR.InvoiceFromShip._InvoiceFromShip(String ip_PackNum, String& op_ErrMsg, String& op_Message, Boolean& op_StopShip) in C:_Releases\ERP\UD10.1.500.17\Source\Server\Internal\SR\InvoiceFromShip\InvoiceFromShip.cs:line 235
at Erp.Services.BO.CustShipSvc.InvoiceShipment(String company, Int32 packNum) in C:_Releases\ERP\UD10.1.500.17\Source\Server\Services\BO\CustShip\CustShip.cs:line 33151
at Erp.Services.BO.CustShipSvcFacade.InvoiceShipment(String company, Int32 packNum) in C:_Releases\ERP\UD10.1.500.17\Source\Server\Services\BO\CustShip\CustShipSvcFacade.cs:line 1808
at SyncInvokeInvoiceShipment(Object , Object[] , Object[] )
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)
at Epicor.Hosting.OperationBoundInvoker.InnerInvoke(Object instance, Func2 func) in C:\_Releases\ICE\3.1.500.17\Source\Framework\Epicor.System\Hosting\OperationBoundInvoker.cs:line 59 at Epicor.Hosting.OperationBoundInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Func2 func) in C:_Releases\ICE\3.1.500.17\Source\Framework\Epicor.System\Hosting\OperationBoundInvoker.cs:line 47
at Epicor.Hosting.Wcf.EpiOperationInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs) in C:_Releases\ICE\3.1.500.17\Source\Framework\Epicor.System\Hosting\Wcf\EpiOperationInvoker.cs:line 23
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)

at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)
at Erp.Proxy.BO.CustShipImpl.InvoiceShipment(String company, Int32 packNum)
at Erp.Adapters.CustShipAdapter.InvoiceShipment(String company, Int32 packNum)

so apparently i had to created a Transaction Document Type for AR Invoices in order to get this to work. Unfortunately the error wasn’t helpful and tearing through the dll with reflector was required to get an idea of where it was failing.

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Hello Rob,

We are implementing Epicor and need to setup Auto Invoice.

I have the customer set and the order set for Auto invoice, but when I do a shipment I get an error stating ERS Document Type not valid.

Would you be able to provide a screen shot of what your Transaction Document Type screen looks like?



To clarify my setup question is regarding the System Transaction field. I set it to Packing Slip thinking that was the trigger to generate the ERS Invoice.

Is that correct?

Its AR Invoice and then attach this to Company Configuration Sales -> Order Tab.

Ah, the company config setup is what I was missing.

Thanks Rob.