Hey Guys,
I setup a new Company in my Epicor system. I m trying to do inter-company transactions between the two but when I want to AR invoice I do the customer shipment and as soon as I check off the shipment as shipped it takes the status to INVOICED… why is that? With that I cant find any corresponding invoices. I check the Auto Invoice on the Sales order and its unchecked and I m not sure why its doing it. I checked the flow of the AP side its seems fine so far. Did i miss a check box in the Company Config side?
Thank You in Advance.
Was an Advanced Billing invoice created prior to shipment?
Open the packer up in Shipment Tracker, and see if the an invoice is listed
This is a Long shot, but is the cost >$0 ? I’m wondering if a $0 cost would just set the shipment to invoiced.
Since the Qty was 0, I’m gonna guess that this had a zero cost.
Other things to check include if the “Invoice when complete” option was marked on the order:
I didn’t think you could ship a 0 qty, so I assumed there was something that the screen shot just didn’t show…
I might have jumped the gun, as that was “Inv Qty”
And since the Part Number is “Initial Cost” (not exactly something you keep on the shelf), with a UOM of PCT (percent complete?), its mostlikely a non-tangible line item.
In order to appear on a Customer Shipment then there would have to be a job to “ship”.
@edraghi - Whats the Order info for this shipment. Specifically the line item.
It says 30,257.50 that should be what you need for an invoice. (I meant price, not cost)
That packer id is “1”, so i’m wondering how you have the previous 931 of the 940 marked as already shipped.
That’s a qty, and he has 931 on that line… Makes sense…
edit wait, those are 2 different pack IDs.
One is the Packer (ID# 1), and the other is the Order (Order# 97).
The packer shows “this qty” of 9, and a total shipped of 940, with 931 shipped by some previous packer.
I’m going to guess that there is something to do with the relationship between the two companies setup.
I checked the relationships with my other companies that have working intercompany transactions and it setup the same.
Sorry … But I’ll have to wave a white flag here.