Automated way to pull a group of Document attachments

Here’s our scenario.
We receive test reports for key parts/materials from suppliers. We need to pull them together at the end of a job and send a complete .pdf of all test reports associated with that job.

We buy most of these materials direct to jobs so I can see how I can generate a BAQ for all associated test reports to the job - but now I’m looking for the best way to deal with the list.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can take a list of document paths (probably in Sharepoint) and generate either a consolidated .pdf of them all or a folder/zip file with them?

In SharePoint, you can add a Job column to the Document Library and then it’s fairly simple to get the list where you can select all and download.

Is it possible to push that column into Sharepoint when the document is attached in Epicor? BPM?

When you add MetaData in Epicor it will add the column to your SharePoint Document Library.

I’m not quite sure HOW you want to accomplish this in the end, but there are some UI and command line based tools to do this… not sure if any of them can take in a list of URLs (SP Docs references) or not, but here is one example

Seems that GhostScript can do it as well

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Thanks Mark and Mike - that gives me some good info to chew on.

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Mark - I figured this out today and it is good! Thanks for the tip.


Awhile ago I know, but what was your fix Russell?

I was never able to get the .pdf extraction from Epicor working. I was only able to get the metadata in Sharepoint working. This can be used to get all the files extracted easily from Sharepoint. The help file on “Attachment Metadata Maintenance” and bit of experimenting in SharePoint was enough to get it working.

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Great, thanks for your response, Russell! We’re not doing anything with SharePoint so I think we’re going down the path of trying to get the PDF’s extracted, then squash them back together into 1 pdf, potentially using one of the 3rd party apps to accomplish the ‘merge’. I’ll post back later if we make some meaningful progress though.