
Hello Everyone,

I need to create a BAQ that will show the total received quantity and the total PO quantity. Then compare the totals that don’t match. I can pull the PO order quantity but I can find where I can pull the total recieved quantity to compare on the dashboard.

I would appreciate if someone can guide me to a resolution.

Thanks in Advance.

Miguel Lopez

I think that’ll be in RcvDtl.

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Mr. Miguel: try PORel.RecievedQty


Hello Trevor,
I am using this on my test: See below:

The problem I am having is Rcv.Dtl.Our.Qty is per part and the PO Detail Order Qty is for the PO complete. I want to compare in total the total amount recieved against the total amount the purchase was for. So I can display the PO’s that don’t match.

Thank you.

In 9 make RcvDtl an aggregate table.

Hello Greg,
How to create a aggregate table?

Thank you.


There is a Sigma button in the tool bar that in E9 made the table a summary table. It will be (I think) green after that is checked.

Hello Greg,
I have never used this summary function.
below is my setup.

Here is my data I want to see.

This the error I receive.

Thanks in Advance.