BPM Sending Email

I created a BPM to send me an email to me when a part is made a Non-Stock item. The email sends just fine. But an extra message is added to the email saying that this email failed fraud detection. Is there something that needs to be configured in E10 to prevent this?

That message is probably coming from your Email or Exchange server but may also come from your email client. ….


Kevin P Rosell

Cell: (281) 615-5248

Is the From Email address that you have on that BPM email setup as a valid email ?

Also try setting up that From Email address in contacts in Outlook – often on the client side have the email in the Contacts removes any client email issues.

IS epicor setup to point to your email server or an smtp server you setup to relay to your exchange or primary email server?


Kevin P Rosell

Cell: (281) 615-5248

That message comes from a ‘Windows Live’ environment. You need to add an SPF record to your Domain Registry.

I’m assuming you have Windows Live Admin Center? Add your SPF there.

I don’t think we use Windows Live. We use Office 365 Exchange.

That’s Windows Live.

I had our office 365 spam filtering block emails before coming from our Epicor Server. I’m not sure it’s the best way to deal with it, but i added an exception in the exchange server for emails coming from the IP address of our Epicor app server. No issues since then.

Yeap, you can do that with an SPF. It makes it nice and tidy. All he needs to do is add the server IP to the SPF.

I’m not familiar with SPF records. I’ll employ my friend the Google and read up on that :slight_smile: