Can we get the exploding head in the Like this Post?🤯

We could get rid of the :eggplant:.

I would be very concerned if someone liked one of my posts with an :eggplant:. (Don’t do it @hmwillett )

Since she’s out sick I just had to do it. :rofl:

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@Randy , I am sure you will not be the only one.

To go back on topic, I wouldn’t mind the mind-blown emoji but for shock I use :scream:


There you go @jkane but now I feel like we need to add 2 more to make it even… Any contenders?


my votes:
:beetle: :beer: :100: :boom:

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:muscle:t2: :boom: :beers:?

I see what you did there @Mark_Wonsil !

I followed directions. It wasn’t a :eggplant:


One up for :beers: and :muscle:t2:



Even the young ones will know it means save…

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Can confirm as a younger individual that I understand the purpose of this emoji

Hmm… don’t see it for a reaction emoji sorry.

Do you know what it is?

Yes, it would mean, saving this for later.

It is obviously the symbol for deleting a record

Nah it’s a floppy disk isn’t it?

:eggplant: ?

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