Citrix Published Application

There was a problem using drive letters v-z, don't know if it still is.
Assume it's because of some compatibility concerns on the Citrix side for
Netware Servers which used to reserve those letters for the client's local
drive mappings... in the days of PC's without a hard drive.

----- Original Message -----
From: "gailharder1" <gailh@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Citrix Published Application

> I was wondering if any one had any experience with publishing the
> Vantage clients on Citrix. We have the application installed on
> Citrix and it is working fine, however our published versions of only
> the vantage thin client are not working. If anyone can offer any
> assistance it would be greatly appreciated.
> Gail Harder
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have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
> Yahoo! Groups Links
I was wondering if any one had any experience with publishing the
Vantage clients on Citrix. We have the application installed on
Citrix and it is working fine, however our published versions of only
the vantage thin client are not working. If anyone can offer any
assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

Gail Harder