Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx

So we kind of figured it out ourselves - re-running JUST the UD10.1.400.12 executable bumped up the Database and ICE versions to 10.1.400.12, and during the install process it reset our IIS user login to localaccount. Setting this up fixed it.

I'm currently on 10.0.700.4.  

I'm wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on.  I'm curious if you're treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes.  I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades.  

But I'm not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out.  Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release?  I worry about issues arising with these updates of course.  But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one?  I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a "If it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.


Epicor solemnly swears these won't break your stuff. We've done it several times and had no issues with little testing usually Sale to Cash a couple of times and that's that

On Monday, June 20, 2016, don.n.doan@... [vantage] <> wrote:

  <p></p><p>I&#39;m currently on 10.0.700.4.  </p><p><br></p><p>I&#39;m wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on.  I&#39;m curious if you&#39;re treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes.  I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades.  </p><p><br></p><p>But I&#39;m not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out.  Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release?  I worry about issues arising with these updates of course.  But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one?  I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a &quot;If it aint broke don&#39;t fix it&quot; kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.</p><p><br></p><p>Thanks</p><p></p>


<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>


Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Like all things, YMMV… we went live on 10.1.400.10 a few weeks ago and then .11 rolled out, I jammed that in there on a Saturday and things seem ok.  We had tested to .8 but .10 was released by the time we went live and I just went with it and had no issues.  I’ve patched from .4 all the way thru .10 in test environments as well and things are generally getting fixed, rather than broke.  They are cumulative so you wouldn’t have to patch every two weeks if your schedule didn’t allow it or your deployment is complex.  It’s still really annoying that you need admin rights on the local client to update Epicor, that’s been a royal PIA on our TS farm where all users are Remote Desktop Users.  Has anyone found a work around for that?


Rob Bucek

Production Control Manager

D&S Manufacturing

301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279

Black River Falls, WI 54615

715-284-5376 Ext. 311

Mobile: 715-896-3119


Visit our newly redesigned Website at


From: []
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx



Epicor solemnly swears these won't break your stuff. We've done it several times and had no issues with little testing usually Sale to Cash a couple of times and that's that

On Monday, June 20, 2016, don.n.doan@... [vantage] <> wrote:


I'm currently on 10.0.700.4.  


I'm wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on.  I'm curious if you're treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes.  I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades.  


But I'm not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out.  Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release?  I worry about issues arising with these updates of course.  But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one?  I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a "If it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.




Jose C Gomez

Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


The way MRP jobs are scheduled got broken between 10.1.400.3 and .4 ……


From: []
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx


Epicor solemnly swears these won't break your stuff. We've done it several times and had no issues with little testing usually Sale to Cash a couple of times and that's that

On Monday, June 20, 2016, don.n.doan@... [vantage] <> wrote:


I'm currently on 10.0.700.4.  


I'm wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on.  I'm curious if you're treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes.  I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades.  


But I'm not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out.  Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release?  I worry about issues arising with these updates of course.  But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one?  I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a "If it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.




Jose C Gomez

Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Awesome, thanks for the feedback.  I will sleep easier at night.
Looks like MRP scheduling is fixed in the .12 release that came out this morning.

Don’t see it in the change list L


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx


Looks like MRP scheduling is fixed in the .12 release that came out this morning.



What was broke in MRP?

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119
Visit our newly redesigned Website at<>

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 1:08 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx

Don’t see it in the change list ☹

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx

Looks like MRP scheduling is fixed in the .12 release that came out this morning.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Maybe they corrected another issue.  I was referring to SCR 184933 - System Agent - Scheduled MRP process does not run according to schedule configured by user.  

For a terminal server farm, they should all be setup with -skip in the command line and you should manually update each server instead of leaving it to the first user login.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:26 PM, Rob Bucek rbucek@... [vantage] <> wrote:

Like all things, YMMV… we went live on 10.1.400.10 a few weeks ago and then .11 rolled out, I jammed that in there on a Saturday and things seem ok. We had tested to .8 but .10 was released by the time we went live and I just went with it and had no issues. I’ve patched from .4 all the way thru .10 in test environments as well and things are generally getting fixed, rather than broke. They are cumulative so you wouldn’t have to patch every two weeks if your schedule didn’t allow it or your deployment is complex. It’s still really annoying that you need admin rights on the local client to update Epicor, that’s been a royal PIA on our TS farm where all users are Remote Desktop Users. Has anyone found a work around for that?


Rob Bucek

Production Control Manager

D&S Manufacturing

301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279

Black River Falls, WI 54615

715-284-5376 Ext. 311

Mobile: 715-896-3119


Visit our newly redesigned Website at


From: []
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx



Epicor solemnly swears these won't break your stuff. We've done it several times and had no issues with little testing usually Sale to Cash a couple of times and that's that

On Monday, June 20, 2016, don.n.doan@... [vantage] <> wrote:


I'm currently on 10.0.700.4. Â


I'm wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on. I'm curious if you're treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes. I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades. Â


But I'm not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out. Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release? I worry about issues arising with these updates of course. But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one? I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a "If it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.




Jose C Gomez

Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

E: jose@...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Thanks, that’s not a bad idea at all!

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119
Visit our newly redesigned Website at<>

From: []
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 10:00 AM
To: vantage <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx

For a terminal server farm, they should all be setup with -skip in the command line and you should manually update each server instead of leaving it to the first user login.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:26 PM, Rob Bucek rbucek@...<mailto:rbucek@...> [vantage] <<>> wrote:

Like all things, YMMV… we went live on 10.1.400.10 a few weeks ago and then .11 rolled out, I jammed that in there on a Saturday and things seem ok. We had tested to .8 but .10 was released by the time we went live and I just went with it and had no issues. I’ve patched from .4 all the way thru .10 in test environments as well and things are generally getting fixed, rather than broke. They are cumulative so you wouldn’t have to patch every two weeks if your schedule didn’t allow it or your deployment is complex. It’s still really annoying that you need admin rights on the local client to update Epicor, that’s been a royal PIA on our TS farm where all users are Remote Desktop Users. Has anyone found a work around for that?

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311<tel:715-284-5376%20Ext.%20311>
Mobile: 715-896-3119<tel:715-896-3119>
Visit our newly redesigned Website at<>

From:<> [<>]
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Constantly updating 10.1.400.xx

Epicor solemnly swears these won't break your stuff. We've done it several times and had no issues with little testing usually Sale to Cash a couple of times and that's that

On Monday, June 20, 2016, don.n.doan@...<mailto:don.n.doan@...> [vantage] <<>> wrote:

I'm currently on 10.0.700.4.

I'm wondering if I can get some feed back on updates from 10.1.400.xx and on. I'm curious if you're treating these upgrades that seem to come every two weeks like full upgrades or more like hot fixes. I plan on beginning my next round of upgrade from 10.0.700.4 to the newest 10.1.400.xx, which will be a couple of months of testing and customization upgrades.

But I'm not sure how I should handle the constant updates Epicor pumps out. Should I hold off and update once or twice a year or update with every one they release? I worry about issues arising with these updates of course. But if anyone is updating every time, how thorough is your testing for each one? I realize that I could just stay at a stable version of 10.1 with a "If it aint broke don't fix it" kind of mentality and say screw the updates, but I wanted to see if and how anyone keeps it up to date.



Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524<tel:904.469.1524> mobile
E: jose@...<mailto:jose@...>
[Image removed by sender.]<> [Image removed by sender.] <> [Image removed by sender.] <> [Image removed by sender.] <> [Image removed by sender.] <> [Image removed by sender.] <>

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Recently updated to 10.1.400.12 and hit a pretty big snag in with the reports not generating. Anyone else have something similar? Apart from that, the transition was quite painless.
We had that issue on some clients. We couldn't open any .pdf files on the client. We used the Task Manager on the client to kill all of the Adobe process that were running, got out of Epicor and back in.  Then the problem went away. Maybe this will work for you.
SSRS or Crystal?
SSRS. Seems like during the install from 10.1.400.1 to 10.1.400.12 the update failed and left our database and ICE versions at 10.1.400.9, where everything else is .12 - hence why the reports aren't generating.

Working on the fix now while submitting a ticket, will let you all know the outcome.
