Conversion Workbench error after updating to 10.1.400.19

I updated the Demo company to 10.1.400.19, and when the required conversions ran one had an error.

Now every time I launch the Demo company, I’m told that the conversions must be run. So I click Yes to launch the Conversion Workbench.

When the Conversion Workbench launches, it displays the one task that errored, as needing to be run.

When I Run Pending Conversions again, I get a very nasty looking error message:

Any Ideas?

I’m curious, but can you expand the column to the left of the error so I can see all of it. It’s starting with “Generates missin”.

I once had a similar issue, but with BAQs for the demo company. I didn’t have the license file selected for all of the companies. Once I I added it to some of the key companies, the conversion worked.

With my dark powers I raise this post from the dead.

I had this issue. I looked into a licensing issue as I too converted from demo DB to real DB. Also I have an automated script for cloning environments, it does things like disable report routing, certain BPMs we dont want in non prod, changes the task agent directory and changes the company names (to have a date prefix so we know when it was restored).

After all of that, I cant say that licensing didnt play a role but the final piece to my issue was (wait for it…)

The task agent directory I remapped it to didnt exist… :smiley:

Not sure how much was needed but I did an IIS RESET as well as restart the TA after my changes and voila.

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