Convert E9 -> E10 BPM Code. IM tables

I’m converting old E9 ABL BPMs to E10.
Now i found this bit of code:

for each IMPart
					where IMPart.Company = Company.Company
						and IMPart.PartNum = ttRcvDtl.PartNum no-lock :
						find updIMPart where rowid(updIMPart) = rowid(IMPart) exclusive no-error.
						if available updIMPart then assign updIMPart.NetWeight = ttRcvDtl.Number01.
						release updIMPart.

So in Epicor10 i want to use the IM table aswell. But I can’t refer to the IM tables from the Db.
How can i make use of the IM tables in Epicor 10?

You cannot use the IM tables in E10. I forget the exact reasoning, but they will not make them available.

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What is the exact need? It appears that you want to copy the NetWeight value to Number01, Can’t we do that from Part instead of IMPart?


IM Tables are only used for temporary work typically during Global Company Transfers. I’m with Jason on this one.

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Thank you for your responses! I’m not exactly sure what the purpose of the BPM is. I’m just doing the conversion and stumbled upon this. I’ll try to find a workaround.