Costing Workbench

Hi All,

Read documentation, threads on here, other online forums and also consulted with some SMEs but still confused and unsure as there are quite some contradictory advices out there.

Problem/Question –
We are on STD.Costing
Rolling up costs with 'Enable mfg. cost elements check box checked/unchecked, Pull as assembly checkbox checked/unchecked yields different results. Understanding how the costing roll up acts in the background is something I am unable to decipher.

Help needed – Any suggestions on how go about testing understanding this each option, hierarchy or how exactly to understand the process?
Is there any official documentation on each of these modifiers?
Or just about anything that covers this topic.

I plan on creating parts and literally testing them with all the available options/modifiers. However, an earlier exercise like such didn’t yield expected results at scale for 120K parts in the system.

Thanks in advance!

Yes, I like testing but not always easy to simulate things fully, consistently.
Have you already reviewed the Job Cost Tech Ref Guide?
And… would you be able to take the Epicor course before you start testing?
( or… maybe even if you can just get your hands on a copy of the course guide)?

Thanks @bordway

I have Job Cost tech ref guide however split cost elements concept is clear I didn’t find much on affects of Pull as assembly box checked while rolling up the costs. Logically, it seems like if Pull as Assembly this box is checked all the costs will gather into the parent level job but after roll up I didn’t find that to be true.

I am okay to take the Costing course or even getting the course guide if there are mentions of these modifiers in there. Do you know if they do. I looked up on Epicor learning but didn’t find in at least the keyword search.


Hmmn…I have always thought of PullAs, ViewAs, PlanAs as a way to organize how I looked at the structure, schedule, etc… rather than in the context of Job Cost, so not sure how/if those options even applies there?
On the other hand lower level materials that are nonstock vs stock can be “interesting”.
Flags NonStock PullAsAsm PlanAsAsm.pdf (16.9 KB)

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Yeah per our set up, based on whether that box is checked or not seems to have an effect on how the numbers roll up to in costing workbench.
Will do some more testing and share on this thread.

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