Customer Credit Limit - putting Customers on Credit hold

Does anyone know how the system puts Customers on Credit Hold?

Also, I am confused by Credit tab works in Customers Tracker.

According to Help - the Order Credit is “The number of sales orders that are uninvoiced and unshipped.”

The Order Credit has 2,403.00 but, our Open Orders Total is 855.00.

The Invoice Credit is correct but, where did the ,2403 come from when they only has open orders for 855?

I am not sure the help is right. I believe the Order Credit is shipped but not invoiced dollar amount and the Open Orders are a count of how many orders are not invoiced but flagged ready to invoice.

Depending on how you have your customer setup in Customer Maintenance determines what value the system uses for Credit Hold. There is a checkbox on the Billing > Credit > Credit Detail tab to “Include Open Orders in Credit”. If this checkbox is checked, the Credit Total will be open Invoice amounts plus any open Order amounts that haven’t been invoiced. If this is greater than the Credit Limit, the system puts the customer on Credit Hold. If the checkbox is not checked, then it just uses the open Invoice amounts.

In 10.1.400 we’ve had similar mysteries. The solution was to run the Recalculate Customer Credit in System Management > Rebuild Processes > Finance.

Thanks for the tip - we are on 9.05.605 - and we do not have a Rebuild Processes menu. I looked through Utilities.

Is there a conversion program that works?

We just are out of sync - the customer example I explained should only have 855 in Open Orders.

They have no outstanding invoices but, the system shows 2,403.

You would run conversion 9527 in E9.

We have this issue in 10.1.400.28 and running the Recalculate Credit does not correct the issue. We also tried running the Mass Credit Information Update under Credit Manager and that didn’t work.
We also have large negative amounts showing for Open Orders and we can’t explain where those numbers came from.
We have reported this to Support and are waiting for them to respond.

The conversion program 9527 worked just fine. Thank you