Customer ShipTo Performance

We have a customer that has approximately 5,000 ship to records. Once I have the customer loaded into customer maintenance and I click ‘new shipto’, Epicor stops responding. It takes about a minute before it begins responding again and then I can enter my new ship to. Both the client trace and the server logs in PDT state the process is taking 34 ms. This leads me to believe it is a client issue, but I’m not sure what to look for. I tried using the 64-bit client to see what would happen, but I got the same results.

Does anyone have 5000+ ShipTos for a single customer? If so have you experienced the same problem? Does anyone have any other recommendations?

If you test this with the client on the Epicor appserver machine with the 32bit client, does it take approximately the same amount of time as on the workstation?

NOTE: 64bit client will not complete a process faster than the 32bit client. Best one can hope for is performance parity, but, most activities will be slower using the 64bit client.

We had a customer in Vantage and then E9 who built store fixtures so
retailers were their customers. In some customer cases they had well over
5,000 ship to’s and at some point you could not add or retrieve ship to’s
anymore because of the way the program was written. It was just hang every

We added some customization to add Ship To’s and then put a retrieve filter
on the ship to’s so we could be more selective in how Epicor returned the
rows to the user

You should be able to add an updateable dashboard to add ship to’s and then
a dashboard to retrieve them without using customer maintenance

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)

Also, which version of Epicor ERP is your company currently running? There is a performance SCR included in 10.1.500 specific to this area that improved performance (in the specific database we were using) from minutes to add a new shipto with lots of shiptos on a customer to <10 seconds.

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We have this problem with a customer is thousands of ShipTo’s as well.
Epicor support told us how to make the change we needed to speed it up.

<TreeExpandIndicatorThreshold value="200" /> in your .sysconfig?
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Yes. I didn’t want to break any rules by posting it. LOL

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When I run the client from the app server it takes about the same amount of time compared to when I run it from my desktop.

I’m testing on 10.1.500.16. I saw the SCR as well and I was hoping it would fix our problem.

Regarding the sysconfig file, I added the TreeExpandIndicatorThreshold key to the appSettings of the sysconfig file. Is this correct? I started the client and I didn’t see any improvement. Do I have to restart the agents or IIS?


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It is my understanding that it would go in the appSettings section.what is

I see other engineering notes related to that SCR which mention that this sysconfig adjustment plus the SCR in 10.1.500 not impacting a particular situation with shiptos until 10.1.600 with another SCR. If you haven’t done so already I’d open Support case and speak with someone on the application support team who can help make sense of this for you as I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night

Will do. Thanks.

The notes I have say it goes into the UserSettings section. It seems to work for us in Epi 10.0 series:

<TreeExpandIndicatorThreshold value="200" />
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Randy - Thank you. You have turned one grumpy sales office with tourches an pitch forks into some very happy people.

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Glad it worked Jeromy