Dashboard Autoruns and opens automatically after logging in

E10 does not seem to have the autoload option anymore.  or maybe they moved it somewhere else.

Hey everyone!

I need help to disable a dashboard that auto opens after I log in to Epicor10.  I was modifying it and I don't know what I did but after I saved it, it now opens automatically.  Where do I go and cancel the task?

Thanks in advance.

Epicor10 700.1

Sounds like you deployed it as a tab on your main menu maybe? Is that what you mean?


Joshua Giese



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From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:41 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Dashboard Autoruns and opens automatically after logging in



Hey everyone!


I need help to disable a dashboard that auto opens after I log in to Epicor10.  I was modifying it and I don't know what I did but after I saved it, it now opens automatically.  Where do I go and cancel the task?

Thanks in advance.


Epicor10 700.1

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No.  After I log in, it just opens up automatically in a different window.  It looks as if I manually ran the dashboard.  I know when we were in V8, you can set programs, reports, dashboards to auto open after logging in.  I just can't remember the location of the settings.
In Epicor 9, you can set up a favorites group to load when you log in. That could be what is happening. If you right click the favorites group name there's an autoload you can turn on and off. I'm assuming that feature is in 10 as well.