DMT Mass update Bill of Operations

So I am planning on mass updating Bill of Operations. Which table do I use? ECOOpr or PartOpr? And what is the difference between the two?



EcoOpr is the table for the parts checked out to engineering workbench.

PartOpr is for updating the Part Rev

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First off, Why not use Mass Operation Update?

if you do go DMT, it is PartOpr. ECOOpr only temporarily holds the Opr’s while a change is being made via Engineering Workbench

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If you’re using the DMT, look under the Engineering tab for Bill of Operations.

PartOpr stores data for revisions that are NOT in the Engineering Workbench.

ECOOpr stores data for revisions that are checked out into the Engineering Workbench.

Where is this Mass Operation Update? I cannot find it.

Under Engineering.

Note that it is an across the board change. It will change every BOM that uses the ‘from Oper’ to the ‘to Oper’


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Hmmm, i do not have. I have admin access to the menus.

We have the Configurator module - which might include some “Advanced Engineering” programs.

DMT is just as good.

And with DMT you can selectively update which parents get changed. The Mass Operation Update does affect un-approved revisions (i.e. old revs)- Which might not be what you want.

Query the PartOpr table to get the records you want to change. Note that you might want to update the Oper Description too. The Mass Update defaults to leaving the Description unchanged.

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