DMT Versions - known bugs

A note from Epicor Support:
Please be advised that there will be a DMT release for every Epicor version that’s why it will have the same name but will work with the specified Epicor version.

You’d at least think the the DMT program could check for a version conflict with the environment its connecting to.

The check is that it doesn’t launch.
Contacted support and they weren’t clear on the solution.
I would think a version of could be shown as 4.300.42.0 and 4.400.42.0 to delineate the two different revisions of the software which are not form, fit, or functionally the same.

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DMT will be part of the smart client going forward this should help with ensuring the right version is included.
Also note that the .lic file will be optional if you have a DMT licensed module in your main licenses.
Auto update will continue to work.
For those that restrict use of DMT there is a new DMT User checkbox in the User Security settings.


Woohoo! Much better than hiding the files.

If the releases showed not only what will be changing, but what is broken (and not fixed yet)
The whole purpose of this chain.

YES. This, this, and more of this. Flip flopping back and forth between several DMT versions has been a huge pain point. Some simple documentation (on EpicWeb, outside of the app) of what does and doesn’t work per version would save us all a lot of time and frustration.

I created this as a feature request here. Please vote!

Looks like you will not be able to use prior versions after 10.2.500
Cross your fingers that your DMT loads still work.

From Epicor:
From Epicor ERP 10.2.500 onwards, DMT Tool will be shipped as part of the Epicor ERP installation. When you install ERP 10.2.500, you will find DMT precopied into the client folder.

There will not be a separate download link for DMT 10.2.500 on EpicWeb.

Also, DMT’s versioning scheme will match Epicor ERP’s versioning scheme. Traditional versioning scheme of 4.0.xx.x is deprecated.

However, DMT for Epicor ERP 10.2.400 or lower versions are still supported and monthly updates will be available for download from EpicWeb and DMT’s Auto Updater.

@LarsonSolutions wrote that DMT simply comes with 10.2.500. As a multi-tenant SaaS customer I confirm that this matches my experience–with one significant gotcha.
DMT was already present in my smart client folder (C:\Epicor\ERPMT\Client-Pilot) after the ERP 10 Smart Client updated itself to the new version. However and as in keeping with the past, the license file (DMT_.lic) was erased as a part of the upgrade process. Thus, I still needed to go workstation-by-workstation and copy back that license file from a safe location.
My company only uses DMT for fairly basic tasks (example: bulk upload of part minimum on-hand quantities to account for seasonality); in my pilot testing of 10.2.500, this functionality is unchanged.

Totally understand @PaulKile, I have had the same issues with my many cloud customers
As the Cloud team doesn’t use EpicCare for request you need to go to Customer Service.
(a whole different thread)

DMT license can now be embedded in the system license (including the Cloud!)
Send a request to Epicor Customer Service <(>

Subject: DMT License for Acme Site ID 12345

Please update my license to include DMT and send to the Cloud team for installation in Cloud

Happy DMT user (optional)

After the license is applied, Customer Service will send an email, Update the users in the system on the User Account Options - there is a DMT checkbox.


A new problem has occurred for DMT.
The error.txt that is created when loading a file has a new format. Instead of a single line, multiple lines per error is created that describes in more detail the issue(s) that prevented the import row to import.

Epicor has created a problem support ticket to change this - PRB0214446

Would be nice if they would roll back to the way it was for a quick fix, then look at how to have the more detailed format selected.

I really do not like that, either. It adds an extra step to match up the error with the data.

Speaking of… it sure would be nice if there was a way to sync those without copy-and-paste. It is a pain to open two files when you have a lot of (different) errors. One pre-consolidated file would be nice.


Ditto. I used to copy the error lines and paste them into the re-process csv, then sort by the error. Then batch fix each error type… Now there are a few more steps to get there. How about make it tab delimited?

We are migrating to the Public Cloud (10.2.500) and I am trying to fire up DMT to push data into my Pilot cloud database. I followed the (old) standard instructions and copied the 10.2.400 DMT client executable and config file into my C:\Epicor\ERPDT\Client-Pilot folder along with the license file. Did not work. Then I researched and found the ReadMe file saying the DMT was included in the client folder automatically.

Any ideas how I can get the client folder back to how it should be? Reinstall the smart client?

You need to copy 3 files


Got it working. Had to uninstall and reinstall the Smart Client in order to get the distributed DMT executable and config files back. I did have to re-copy the DMT license file into the Client-Pilot directory, but only this one file is needed in 10.2.500

Contact Customer Service or your CAM
You need to have your license updated and sent to the cloud team to have the license applied.
On the user - go to options and go near the bottom of the list of check boxes and check DMT user.
You won’t need the license in the client file anymore.

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Lately “Description” is required for deleting or modifying some records with DMT. This is really troublesome for me. We often have to mass-update a UD field on Project, for example. I think it’s pretty absurd to have to export the description of every project and re-import it just to update an unrelated field.

I put in a ticket today and was told “this is by design.” Honestly, he was sympathetic but said it’s all or nothing on required fields–if required on add, it’s required on update/delete. Or it would require extensive additional coding, I think is implied.

I feel like that was not always true, but we are on 10.2.500 now so I guess I can’t revert to an old version.

Point is, should I push the description-required issue with support?

Edit: Who am I kidding? I am always going to push an issue with support.

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Would an updateable BAQ + REST work?

Hi Jason,

We have seen in older versions (E9 and E10) of DMT that Desc was noted “required” on some templates… but when you uploaded it didn’t really have to be in there. Are you basing the need for Description on an actual Fail of the DMT without it, or on the template required fields?


Does it mater if the description in your DMT file matches the existing description field? If not, just make the column in the DMT file and fill it with “DELETED”

It would really suck if it must match before the delete will work, I bet everyon has at least one record with description containing an odd character that an Excel or CSV file doesn’t handle well. Like TAB, CR, LF, RS, or even unicode characters that might not be represented the same way ( °, ±, ®, ©, ™, Ω, etc …)