DMT Warehouse creation error - missing

I am trying to implement Maintenance Management and using DMT to prep for the addition of this module. When adding a warehouse with the warehouse template via DMT, I get the error below. I cannot find enough definition in either the error or the data dictionary to determine which table.field is causing the error.

WarehouseCode MAINT ForeignKeyConstraint LRWarehseEntityGLC requires the child key values (, MAINT) to exist in the parent table.

Does anyone have that little mystic wisdom on this reference to ‘LRWarehseEntityGLC’ that might break this free? I looked thru the EntityGLC table and the Data Dictionary and a couple of other sources to get a better idea of what is missing. I think I understand it conceptually but cannot determine the right location of the missing piece.
I drafted this yesterday and did not post. I still have the question about the LRWarehseEntityGLC reference but it also appears that at some point the DMT might have partially entered the warehouse I was trying to create… but failed to complete the transaction?? When attempting to hand enter thru Warehouse Maintenance, it says the “Warehouse belongs to another site”. No sites list the warehouse and a BAQ of the warehouse table nor any other related table lists this warehouse ID. Anyone got any ideas how to find and fix this situation short of dumping the DB and starting over again? I still have no idea why this happened either, the warehouse template is very straight forward and I am using the minimum fields required according to the template and the ‘Required’ button in the DMT (yes I know she (DMT) lies to me about this all the time, but hey, what can I say, I love her :wink:

Do you have GL controls setup correctly? We have also noticed in some situations that the user account you are using to DMT data in with can affect the results, so check if the user has access to all sites.

One of the things we noticed last week also on transfer orders was, you needed to ensure that the user you were logged into dmt with was logged into the selected the correct “ToPlant” before it would import. We are using single sign in so I’m not sure if that is related. Hopefully this helps.

Thanks for those tips. However I am the DMT’er and I am security manager, have all rights and privs. I was also logged into the system and fully ‘in and active’ within the target plant in the client.
After a all sorts of investigation, I had the thought that the DMT made the error, lets try to fix it with the same data loading file. And lo and behold, that worked. really embarrassed it wasn’t my first thought… it should have been. However, where ever the DMT entered the Warehouse ID, it just hadn’t done so successfully - given that I could find the warehouse in any plant including the targeted plant. However, the same file was able to successfully delete the same entry it made.
I then made the warehouse by hand in the test db and will BAQ out the data for it to use in the DMT file - changing header column names accordingly. I cannot see what is wrong with the file so I am just trying again using the BAQ out method.