E10 Contact Management vs v6.1

EPG is still at version 6.1 and curious about the current v10 Contact situation. Has the CRM module gotten better?
Are contacts still forced to be associated with a customer? We have individuals (contacts) involved with multiple customers in a consulting role. They never will actually purchase anything but are involved in recommending our products. Currently, it is difficult to see their former and future involvement across multiple projects easily.


I’m brand new to E10, but it looks like they have a Person/Contact table separate from contacts within the Customer maintenance.

A quick test shows you can define a Person, and then link them to many customers, or any other things a “person” can be linked to. I made a test person, and was able to make him a contact for two customers, and a supplier. Here’s the screenshot of the Person Contact Maintenance screen

Here’s the E10 Help topic

Person Contact Maintenance

Use Person/Contact Maintenance to define business contact records. You can select these records as contacts for records across the customer, supplier, payroll employee, shop employee, and workforce programs.

You can add and store person contact information that can be shared across your Epicor database.

Use this program to create and maintain links for contacts records found in the following programs:

  • Shop employees (Shop Employee Maintenance)
  • Payroll employees (Payroll Employee Maintenance)
  • Workforce people (Workforce Maintenance)
  • Buyers (Buyer Maintenance)
  • Supplier contacts (Supplier Maintenance)
  • Purchase point contacts (Supplier Maintenance)
  • Customer contacts (Customer Maintenance)

Contacts you add to the database can now be pulled into other records as you need. For example, a payroll employee can now be added as an authorized user for a buyer record. This reduces time and ensures consistency, as the same contact record can be used within other records as needed.


Does a Person/Contact Maintenance entry allow for a complete information profile? ie. company, phone, email, etc.


And as you can see, the contact can then be linked to various other places where a contact could be specified.