E10 How to change theUD xx Maintenance title?

I am trying to replace the UD14 title with some text and it is not working.

I have tried

Ice.UI.App.UD14Entry.MainPanel UD14Panel = Ice.UI.App.UD14Entry.MainPanel)csm.GetNativeControlReference(“1dff11bc-3024-4d17-acfc-b7af287e274b”); to get a hold of the MainPanel1
Then on load, I specified the text:
UD14Panel.Text = “Évaluations”;
Tought it was the way to go…

Running stays at the original title.

Any ideas?

I just change the properties of the customization. Here I set the Form to what I want and then blank out the main panel.

The first image where mainPanel1 is selected, I see a text field… That is where I would put my text…

But i do not see that property in my view… what version are you in?
I am 10.0.700.2

Did you try something like this?

Ice.UI.App.UD14Entry.UD01Form frmUD14 = (Ice.UI.App.UD14Entry.UD01Form)csm.GetNativeControlReference("1dff11bc-3024-4d17-acfc-b7af287e274b");
frmUD14.Text = "Custom Title";

It looks like you have “MainPanel1” selected. I Ken’s second screen shot, he has UD01Form selected. Try selecting the UD14Form in your case and see if it’s there.

Maybe i was not explaining correctly… sorry.

It is not the main form I want to have text. I already have that with my version number setup and all working.
(I guess we all do the same ! )

It is the sub object title: Because the result is

where I do not want the Maintenance UD14 text but another…



Export the customization.

Open the XML file in notepad/textpad/notepad ++

search for Maintenance UD14

change the text there. save… import.

it will look like this

    <PropertyValue>Wish You were here</PropertyValue>
    <Company />
    <Plant />
    <DcdUserID />
    <GroupID />
    <PropertiesID />
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Thanks Ken,

Your post got me in the right direction. But had to dig a bit…

Could not find mainPanel1 as a control name, but did find it’s key under the control name “baseDockManager”


I did not find a text property for this control, and I did not create one either. I thought the text must exists! so I searched for “Maintenance” and found it under a long value of LayoutXML property:


and so I replaced the text at that location. copied back in the XML window replacing the original.

And all worked !

Thanks again.
