I have a question about the AR Invoice Form and batch printing.This issue only shows up in a particular situation, that situation is when I’m batch printing invoices and one of the invoices has a page that is only the total. So the invoice has gone on to be more than one page and on that last page it only has the total. On those pages it shows the Next invoice number in the batch at the top of the form. This can cause a lot of confusion with our customers.
The field at the top displaying the invoice number is a Code reference to get a variable that is being set in the body of the report through a text box.
I’ve tried a lot of different approaches and have not had any luck so far, I’ve tried: Create a new function, Add a new text box at the bottom of the report inside the same section as the total that sets the invoice value again, this does not work. Tried moving the header values down into the tablix and that causes a lot of other issues, like not repeating correctly or showing a zero if i try to use the same code approach.
I just saw this from your post … “The field at the top displaying the invoice number is a Code reference to get a variable that is being set in the body of the report through a text box.”
How do you have your grouping set up? I had to go through a lot of my customer facing forms/reports and convert to tablix, play around with the spacing, etc. We are on 11.0.5. Once in tablix; I was able to compress a lot too.
This is a modified out of the box AR Form which has six groups (Invc Num, Next Legal Num ID, Page Number, OrderNum, OrderLine, InvoiceLine). that I did not set up, they were pre existing groups. The real issue is the invoice number appears in the Report’s Page Header. So I seem to be limited on how to pass the value of the invoice number up to the page header. I tried making a nested iif statement checking different ReportItems! throughout the report, but you can only refer to a single report item in a textbox in the page header so that idea didn’t work. Reformatting or moving everything into a newly formatted tablix seems like a daunting task with all the specialized formatting and conditional suppression that are happening in this form.
I tired moving everything in the page header down to a group header (Invoice Num Group) but wasn’t able to get that to work right. For some reason when I add a new line above my group header inside the group I’m unable to set the repeatonnewpage property for these.
Okay, I think I got it. What I did was set the page numbers to reset on the invoice group. Then I put a text box with the invoice number in it right beside the total and hid it. Then created a formula inside the page header text box that was showing the invoice number that says if it is the last page to show the report item else just show the code retrieved invoice num. I think this should fix the issue as this only happens when the last page only shows the total.
Sorry for the delay! I had a similar issue in POForm where every PO on a mass print had the same PO Number on it. I retrofitted the report into tablix form, removed invoice number from header and placed it at the second row of the tablix setup. I have added one group which covered all of the tablixes set up for the main page form. In that group’s group settings I added two group expressions: Group on Company and on PONum. This kept the correct PO Numbers together on my form. Hope that helps.