Setting Up EDD and keep getting this error. Didn’t know if anyone else had or if they knew how to fix this.
Fully Qualified SSL Domain Name is not a valid domain name as specified in the SSL Certificate for this server. Please enter a valid name that matches the SSL certificate installed in IIS
Yeah I did. I saw that my existing self signed certificate was just for the server name so I generated a new one which had the full FQDN of server.domain and applied that and it worked
The answer was to Enable the Named Pipes then stop and start the SQL service in services. I had the SSL Domain name correct, but without the pipes it would not work.
I still have the same error. Did create self-signed certificate and enabled Named Pipes and restarted SQL services…I must do something wrong. Could you please post step by step instruction
The installation guide has the directions. You must make sure the SSL Domain Name field is your full domain name. Go to iis and select your server, then go to bind gs on the right. Select your https and view it. The website in there is your full name for the SSL Domain name in EDD configuration.
It is in the EpicWeb site where you got the E10.2.X00 download. So log in, hover over the Products at the top. Then select Downloads. Next, you will see, at the top of the tree, Epicor ERP. Under that you will select the 10.2.x00 (whatever you are doing, mine was 10.2.300). The in there you will find the NewInstallGuide. This one has what you are looking for words the end of the document.
Note: AS stated last night: You want to go to your IIS and select sites, then single click on your Default, and then select Bindings to the right.
Next, select your https and click Edit. Next you should see, atht e bottom, your SSL Certificate. Click view to the right of it. Whatever you see in the Issued To: area is what goes in the SSL Domain Name.
Should look something like this. For me, I had this on a VM and so I had to pick the LocalSystem. Also, I had to create a new Application Pool and set it to ApplicationPoolIdentity before mine would deploy. I would go to File, Uninstall, and uninstall the EDD. Then try again. Almost forgot, make sure the App pool in IIS for your Default website is started. That was one of my other issues. Other than that, depending on your error, you may need to put a ticket in.
All your suggestions works perfectly but now I have very strange issue. when I add binding (https, cert, port 443) on IIS. After few minutes I cant connect to any APP server on Epicor Admin console…as soon as I delete SSL binding all back to normal. Any Idea ?
It seems like the binding you are using is not what is used for the App Server. That is my guess. Honestly, at this point, I just play with it until i get it to work. I would check all my bindings and check which websites are used by what app pools in IIS. Then go from there.