Epicor Cloud ERP SaaS Client Installation/Deployment


We’re about to deploy Epicor Cloud ERP 10.2.500 Multi-Tenant SaaS (New customer) and I have been tasked with deploying the client to our users. I can’t seem to find an MSI anywhere to deploy a silent package via GPO to all users.

I have read a number of different forum posts ect about a silent.bat that is supposed to be created, but I think this only applies to on-prem deployments. Is there anyway to do the same with the SaaS multi-tenant install?

Many thanks,


Welcome Will!

You are likely a Dedicated Tenant/Public Cloud user as Multi-Tenant was removed from the Price List a couple of years ago. Different products and you’re on the better one.

Ironically, the Cloud version does NOT have a quiet install mode for Cloud users. :frowning:

I think when you first install, you’ll have to touch all workstations due to Admin rights required. Afterwards, the updates will be automatic. The install IS light. You CAN literally copy the folder from desktop to desktop and have it work. There are no registry entries that I’m aware of. Uninstall is just a delete of a few folders too.

Mark W.

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