Epicor Speed Differences

He has entries for the IP to our app server DNS, but that’s it.
I added them to mine and reran the tracert with the same results. (.1/2)

Does that mean his should be now as fast as yours? :smiley:

No, i mean mine is still routing 1 and 2 and his is 5 and 6.
Same speed issues despite matching the hosts file.

You don’t need to reboot. Any changes you make to the hosts file are immediate. You used to need to reboot for changes to take effect in Windows 9x. That is no longer the case.

However, you may need to restart any applications that do internal hostname or DNS caching, such as web browsers.

Thats all I can think of, if you restart plotter app and any cmd prompt windows.

ok, so one thing comes to mind - since you’re the dev in this situation perhaps your config file is different - perhaps your connection string? are you doing https while they are all net.tcp? something like that perhaps…

do you have tcp offloading turned on and they do not?

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I tried to match everything apples-to-apples.
I replaced my config file with his. I zipped his client files and replaced mine with his.
I was on his domain, wireless network, etc.
Every time, mine goes faster.

Just for shits-and-giggles (:poop: + :laughing:), I loaded our Pilot app server on his machine which has an HTTPS binding. It’s just as slow as the PILOTLA net.tcp binding.

The only thing you didnt do yet is make sure you both exit out of the same endpoint :smiley: or resolve appserver ip properly.

Lol, ELI5?

My 2c. Take a close look at that switch that has IP and check the configuration of the port between that and the switch/router on the previous hop. I was listening to a podcast this morning about duplexing issues and cabling issues that can cause this sort of thing. Can’t explain why transit is going via different IPs, but it could be related to other traffic and prioritization perhaps.

Check your cables too.


Any Luck @hmwillett - don’t leave Mexico without fixing it!!! :slight_smile: if you must take apart every switch and inspect the chips inside, do it!


No. Doing some things that “don’t make sense” now, lol.
Tried rebooting the server and it had issues shutting down.
Maybe whatever that was caused the issue (we’ll see when it’s back up).
Still wouldn’t make sense that mine was faster, though.

(╯°□°)╯︵ oɔᴉxǝW

I’ll stay as long as they keep feeding me tacos. :taco::taco::taco::taco::taco:


You might not make it home… last time our team went there was a Gasoline Shortage :smiley: couldn’t find gas to drive to airport. Hows your Spanish?

I see Teslas all over Mexcio City.
Think any of them are Uber drivers? Haha

Muy mal.

@Hally forgot to reply to this–I asked our network guy and they said they don’t have access to these switches as they are Azure’s (or something).

Oh :open_mouth: So you are running your App servers in Azure?

Aye (non-Epicor hosted). Tis our own.

That’s us too. What’s your PDT server config test give you…And your network test…I’m curious. I am seeing issues with the SQL query test being out of spec…Opps and apologies for hijacking.