ERP 9 Dashboard filter

I have a dashboard with three queries. I publish the PartNum in the top query, which has a tracker for PN, then filter by PartNum in the lower queries. But if one of the bottom queries has focus and they refresh, it takes a long time because the filter is not there. Is there any way I can cause the lower queries to ONLY refresh if there is a PartNum entered in the tracker?

Where are you entering the filter for the subscribers? On the Query or the grid?

I am displaying Part Transactions in the lower grid, which is filtered to match the partnum above. I don’t want the filter in the BAQ because every time they click on a part number above, it asks for the date again. But with no date, it would return all transactions for all parts.

To accomplish this you will need two queries and 3 sections on the dashboard.

Section 1. Tracker view of Part Transaction history with just the date field.

Section 2. Query to auto load your parts

Section 3. Query to load Part transactions based on date in the tracker view and subscribed to part from the query in Section 2.

This way you select the date only once and just select the parts to display respective transactions.