When installing epicor on a pc in a different company there pc connects fine via vpn and can access our drives once epicor is installed it errors with the following message and the file path it refers to is accessible
When installing epicor on a pc in a different company there pc connects fine via vpn and can access our drives once epicor is installed it errors with the following message and the file path it refers to is accessible
That error happen during installation of the client, or upon trying to run it?
We had this issue when the subnet that they are on matches the subnet for the network of the VPN… We had to wait 5 or so minutes and just keep trying.
Our business case was, the user would be working remote and they had the same subnet hundred something on their home network as we did on our network so when they VPN in, their computer first looks on their network before the VPN network. That is all we could deduce from the situation…When they changed their subnet on their home network those same errors stopped and they were able to connect.