Filfuillment workbench wierdness

For a part I get the following information appearing in fulfilment workbench - claims that there is -22 in stock.

When I look on part tracker, and indeed run a baq against the partwhse table I have zero on hand.

We don’t do order fulfilment through the workbench we are make to order. I only looked here as we have had some previous weirdness on the planning workbench with parts being reserved/allocated. Reason for looking at this is that when shipping from this job, the job ship qty is defaulting to a completely different number than the linked quantity/wip qty on the job.

Is there a conversion program to fix this kind of issue.

We are on and not on maintenance.

one thing you didnt show was the BIN tab on the part tracker. Could be that your BINS do not add up to the total, and one of your bins may have -22 in it… I believe that the fulfillment WB looks at the bin level, and not at the warehouse level. IF this proves to be the problem, Yes, there is a program that you can run called “Refresh Part Quantities and Allocations”.


Sorry didn’t want to overload thread with too many screen shots - the part bin screen shows correctly none on hand. I’ll try that utility which I have used before - am I correct that this is one of the utilities that needs to be run with nobody on the system.

Ran both the refesh part quantities and allocations and refresh part bin qoh from part tran and no change. We have shipped one additional and it looks to decremented quantity on hand by an additional 1 but part tracker etc all still shows zero on hand. If I understand correctly

I believe that the qty on hand field on this screen reflects the value in the partwhse table. I run a simple sql query and I get

In principle it looks like it is just the order fulfilment screen that is wrong but we are getting strange behaviour on shipments from job. Thus far it seems only to be this part. Any further suggestions as to what could be causing this?