Get unmodified row info


I’m trying to create a “Previous SalesRepCode” field on a task. I created a UD column on Task. I’m trying to pick off the SalesRepCode of the unmodified row when it’s changing and put it in the Previous SalesRepCode field. I must be overlooking something. I thought there were two rows submitted and I could see both the unmodified and the updated row contents. It’s not working for me currently. Help?

in pre-process BPM see if salesrepcode has changed. There are two options here.

  1. Check for rowmod=“” and rowmod=“U” (or RowMod.Updated()/Unchanged() whichever way you want to get to it) it’s a toss up if there will be an unchanged row

If for some reason you have no unchanged row

  1. Use a query widget or manual “Db.SomeTable.Where blah blah” to get the old value before the value is updated in the database

In either case however you get the value, then jam it in your UD field and the base update will do the rest.

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That’s what I was looking for. Great idea. I don’t understand why but I get no unchanged row when I update the Task.

What BO Method are you hooked on?


I also tried a data directive on Task which also did not work.

That’s weird Directive In Trans should have worked swell