I set up my Global Alert BPM per instructions but my subject was blank. The subject or label as called in the alerts is important. I don’t see a field called label instead of subject. What did I miss?
Anyone else set there Global Alert BPM up like Epicor suggests? Do you notice that the Subject on the email is missing?
Have ticket open with Epicor because I think their logic is flawed. Not getting very far. They are suggesting I write a BPM for each Alert…CRAZY.
E9 performed perfect on this. I think it is a flaw in the change of how the Global Alerts now work.
Anyone have dealings with this?
Epicor has reported this as bug and know issue. IT is with development and hopefully they will have a fix soon.
Hey Kimberly
We are looking at using global alerts for task completion on case, and while we do have them working, it seems there is zero way to send variables into the actual alert i.e case number or any other custom data. All the data looks like it has to be hard coded on the global alert itself… Are these really as bad as I think they are or are we missing something obvious?
I haven’t been able to get it working. We are just dealing with it. I was hoping to see the fix in 400 but haven’t noticed it.