I am trying to understand global alerts that may have been setup by a predecessor.
I see we have only two item active in Global Alerts:
The one I am concerned with is 1390 Task has been assigned.
This is the email:
Does this look like a Global Alert Message?
When I read the Epicor guide on Global Alerts is says you need a Data Directive running to monitor the AlertQue. I have searched and we do NOT have one (unless I am looking in the wrong place).
There’s a chance that a BPM is actually sending the email and that the Global Alert is not even being used.
FWIW - Global Alerts are a leftover system that barely worked in the old days. Anything that you would want to do that a Global Alert supposedly does, is better off being done from scratch in a BPM.
There is a Send Mail action in one data directive on QuoteHed. It is the one that I have created to replace the Global Alert messages (or what I assume are global alert messages).
Am I searching for my directives incorrectly? Clicking the radio button “Search by Directives”? I have assumed those are all the directives that are customized and not Epicor Standard. Is my assumption wrong? How would I find this directive.
I don’t think any of my predecessors would sign an email message with “- Epicor Cloud Admin”
Yes, we have one data directive on SysTask with an email widget (but it is not the email that signs off - Epicor Cloud Admin). We created a group called GlobalAlert to group all of our custom directives that send emails.
Don’t forget to check the Method Directives. They can send Emails also.
And the fact that “Epicor Cloud Admin” is in the signature is weird. Unless you’re referring to the “From:” field.
BPMs are stored in the DB, so a BAQ should be able to query their contents. Now I’m not exactly sure how a BPM is stored (probably as some Blob), but you may be able to find the “Epicor Cloud Admin” in the DB and then work your way backwards to find the specific BPM method
I have not forgotten about Method Directives, but the instructions on Global Alerts said you needed to use a Data Directive to monitor AlertQue and I cannot find that so I do not know how Global Alerts are actually functioning without that Data Directive. Any way, here are all my Method Directives when using “Search by Directives”.
Based on my testing, it appears that GlobalAlerts now run without a Data Directive. If you add a Data Directive, then TWO emails will be sent. The standard GlobalAlert message does not have enough information, so I want to use the data directive to include additional information with the standard information.
The problem is an active standard global alert does NOT write alerts to the AlertQue table in the application database unless the “Send Alert” box is checked.
This is contrary to the Epicor ICE 3.2 Tools User Guide
If “Active” and “Create Memo” are checked (and “Send Alert” is not checked), NO new AlertQue line is written. A new AlertQue line is written ONLY if “Active” and “Send Alert” are checked. But when “Send Alert” is checked, the automatic Global Alert email goes out. Also, if the “Assigned To:” of a task is changed to another user, no update is made to the AlertQue (no change to an existing line and no new line, so no global alert message gets sent).
So now I am trying to replicate global alerts for “New Task has been assigned”, but also email when a task has been reassigned. Is anyone interested in sharing what you did for quote alert messages?
Brian, if you can replicate the trigger for the email, then I’d turn on user tracing with BPM logging, do the trigger action, and see what (if anything) got recorded on the trace. Close your system monitor and clear out the trace right before you do the trigger action.