Global Customers and Contacts/Shiptos

We haven't had any problems there. I'm just wondering if MultiCompany is doing what it is supposed to be doing. Is there a technical reference or something that explains this thing?


Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix / Picometrix
    bspolarich@... ~ 734-864-5618 ~

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of bryan_gerard_gft
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 9:30 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Global Customers and Contacts/Shiptos

Be very careful with customers. If it works in 8 like it does in 9 it can bottleneck all of multi-company. There are problems with credit processing that cause very large numbers of orderhed reords to be sent - sonic cannot handle the load and we lost three days trying to process through all of the records - meanwhile the IC transactions got stuck behind the credit files. They have an SCR for it, but we have stopped running multi-co while we get it all straightened out. Would be nice if we could multi-thread the multi-co transaction types through sonic, but we have not figured it out yet.

Can someone explain to me how global customers are supposed to work
with contacts and shiptos?

We define our customers centrally in our CORP company, and then link
them to subsidiary companies as required, and we're moving to a
centralized billing model (although Vantage doesn't provide a
centralized A/R capability like it does for A/P).

We have MultiCompany setup properly, and Global Table setup in both
sides to send almost everything (there are a few fields for linked
Customers we're maintaining at the child company level). But I notice
that the Contacts and Shiptos are not the same between the parent and
child records, although MultiCompany.log clearly tells me that data is
being sent when I add a Contact to a customer.

I notice on the Link Global Customer screen that there is a Global
Contacts tab, but I can only search for customers, not contacts.

I'm sorely confused.

Anyone have some light to shed? MultiCompany is one of the things I
hate about Vantage, although I thought we had this beast tamed.


Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix /

<mailto:bspolarich@...> ~ 734-864-5618 ~ <>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Be very careful with customers. If it works in 8 like it does in 9 it can bottleneck all of multi-company. There are problems with credit processing that cause very large numbers of orderhed reords to be sent - sonic cannot handle the load and we lost three days trying to process through all of the records - meanwhile the IC transactions got stuck behind the credit files. They have an SCR for it, but we have stopped running multi-co while we get it all straightened out. Would be nice if we could multi-thread the multi-co transaction types through sonic, but we have not figured it out yet.
--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich " <bspolarich@...> wrote:
> 8.03.405
> Can someone explain to me how global customers are supposed to work
> with contacts and shiptos?
> We define our customers centrally in our CORP company, and then link
> them to subsidiary companies as required, and we're moving to a
> centralized billing model (although Vantage doesn't provide a
> centralized A/R capability like it does for A/P).
> We have MultiCompany setup properly, and Global Table setup in both
> sides to send almost everything (there are a few fields for linked
> Customers we're maintaining at the child company level). But I notice
> that the Contacts and Shiptos are not the same between the parent and
> child records, although MultiCompany.log clearly tells me that data is
> being sent when I add a Contact to a customer.
> I notice on the Link Global Customer screen that there is a Global
> Contacts tab, but I can only search for customers, not contacts.
> I'm sorely confused.
> Anyone have some light to shed? MultiCompany is one of the things I
> hate about Vantage, although I thought we had this beast tamed.
> --
> Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix /
> Picometrix
> bspolarich@...
> <mailto:bspolarich@...> ~ 734-864-5618 ~
> <>
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]