
Might anyone know the answers to the following questions concerning the use, or implementation of, the “Ice.Mail.SmtpMailer()” object:

Q. Does the “Ice.Mail.SmtpMailer()” object have optional parameters to define the port, mail user, and authentication password?

Q. Is there separate Epicor documentation for defining/using the “Ice.Mail.SmtpMailer()” object?

Q. Might there be session variables that we can use to reference the SMTP configuration as defined in the “Company Maintenance” module?

Thank you for helping.

I think it’s just a wrapper over a SmtpClient but @hkeric.wci know’s all there is to know about this stuff.

The Mailer uses the system values for the connection.

You have a few options:
public void Send(SmtpMail message)
public void Send(SmtpMail message, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> attachments)
public void Send(SmtpMail message, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Stream>> attachments)
public void Send(SmtpMail message, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, byte[]>> attachments)

You can set the from, to, etc in the SmtpMail object.

If you wanna peek yourself it lives in Epicor.Ice.Dll