Incorrect Fiscal Period Setup


I have setup a fiscal period with the incorrect end date (ending the end of the year and not the end of the month). I have posted transactions in this period and I have calculated depreciation.

I have seen some responses to this question saying to delete the fiscal period and verify balances. I cannot do that because I have calculated depreciation. This error message comes up:
“Fiscal Period 1 in Fiscal Year 2019 is the current period in Asset Register Main. Deleting of the current period in Asset Register is not allowed”

My depreciation is not posted yet so I’m not sure if there is a way to reverse that transaction so I can delete the period? I have also run the year-end process on 2018 in asset period so I cannot open a previous period.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi! Did you ever find a way to open a prior period in your Asset Register fiscal calendar? I made the mistake of closing periods and now I can’t add assets from older than the current year. In the GL, you can reopen and close repeatedly. Any success?
Thank you!