:dumpster_fire: Insights 2023

But the process is still broken a little bit. Payment methods are not turned on so you cannot complete registration. I emailed them so it might be fixed by the time anyone sees this.

Check your spam folder @hmwillett

@Mark_Wonsil is the “Spam folder” your stomach?

spam GIF

SPAM is the next best thing to sliced Fred.

(oldie but goodie)

Hmmmm just a support survey :neutral_face:

see Registration for Insights 2023 is NOW OPEN!

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I’ll split that bill with ya Mike!

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Looks like I’ll be there this time! Got it booked today.

Fun fact: this is actually going to be my first travel for work, since my prior jobs have been: customer service/tech support at this same company but for our own products instead of Epicor, slot machine repair at a casino before that (not in Vegas), and before that hotel night audit at the same casino. Looking forward to this!


That’s cool Chris! Congrats!

I am glad you are getting the opportunity.

The agenda is posted!
Agenda : Insights 2023 (swoogo.com)


Pffffft. Let me know when they have the entertainment posted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are they going to release the extended sessions. I cannot get there from this attachment

They will at some point, but I do not see the extended education offerings posted yet.

Yeah, I went hunting for them too.

This is getting me excited, hopefully I can go!

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I heard they’re featuring @Chris_Conn as the entertainment this year.
True story.

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Tell @hkeric.wci you must go to defend your Fireball title. :rofl:

Now I HAVE to go

Haso jumped teams he has no say whether I go or not :confused:

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