I have a custom Code 39 Barcode we use to issue material. It is programmed to handle the tabs required to navigate from Job Number, to Assembly Num, and MtlNum. I was looking at extending this to the Return Material screen but it handles tabs differently.
Issue Material maps the tab index to 1,4,7, and focuses on assembly and mtl buttons along the way.
Return Material maps the tab index to 1,4,7 and does not focuse on the assembly and mtl buttons along the way.
Can anyone else please confirm this happens to them? We are on 10.1.600.26 currently. I already took care of moving the Transaction document type and Tab Index of the panel so Issue Material and Return material are the same (they aren’t by default for some reason?).
This confirms that mine is not working as expected - both my Asm button’s are set to Tab Stop = True. Why would one be respecting it and the other not?
Is what a barcode setting? All of this is programmed into the hand scanner we are using. We use 123Scan to program the Code 39 Advanced barcodes. A custom SSRS report contains the custom barcodes.