JobHead Table Has Wrong Field Descriptions

Good morning,
I am building a BAQ in Pilot today, and I noticed that my JobHead table has bad field descriptions. Here are a few examples:

#	Name	Type	Description
1	Company	nvarchar	User Defined Integer field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobUserInt2Label is non blank.
2	JobClosed	bit	"User Defined character field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobtUserChar1Label
is non blank."
3	ClosedDate	date	"User Defined character field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobtUserChar1Label
is non blank."
4	JobComplete	bit	"User Defined character field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobtUserChar1Label
is non blank."
5	JobCompletionDate	date	User Defined Integer field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobUserInt2Label is non blank.
6	JobEngineered	bit	User Defined Integer field.  Actual label used is defined in the XaSyst record.  This field is only accessible if XaSyst.JobUserInt2Label is non blank.

EDIT: This same description appears in Field Help.

All the descriptions in JobHead are like this. It seems like my other tables are ok. Is this something a conversion workbench process could fix?

This has already been reported in PRB0250387

PRB0250387 - BAQ JobHead table no longer shows description of fields, description is UserChar1 for all fields.

1 Like

Is there any way to get a reference copy of the original field descriptions? I am having a hard time figuring out some fields in the JobHead table. Namely the SchedStatus field. This is a code in my table and I don’t know what table it links to.


Here are the columns and descriptions from 10.2.100. See if they will help.


#	Name	Type	Description
1	Company	nvarchar	Company Identifier.
2	JobClosed	bit	Indicates if Job is closed.  A closed Job cannot be accessed for maintenance. 
3	ClosedDate	date	Date the Job was closed.  Defaults as the system but can be overridden.
4	JobComplete	bit	Indicates if production is complete for the job.  A complete job cannot be scheduled.  It can still have cost posted against it.  Maintained via Job Completion processing.
5	JobCompletionDate	date	The date that production was completed for this Job.  Maintained via Job Completion Processing.
6	JobEngineered	bit	Indicates if Engineering is complete for this job.  That is, all departments that need to "check off" on this job before it is actually considered ready to go have done so.  A job must be Engineered before it  can be scheduled.  Non Engineered Jobs are excluded from most reports.
7	CheckOff1	bit	"Optional Job check off number 1.  The label for this field is found in JCSyst.  If the label field is blank then field should be invisible.
These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs.  An example would be a ""Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. "
8	CheckOff2	bit	"Optional Job check off number 2.  The label for this field is found in JCSyst. If the label field is blank then field should be invisible.
These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs.  An example would be a ""Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. "
9	CheckOff3	bit	"Optional Job check off number 3.  The label for this field is found in JCSyst.  If the label field is blank then field should be invisible.
These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs.  An example would be a ""Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. "
10	CheckOff4	bit	"Optional Job check off number 4.  The label for this field is found in JCSyst.  If the label field is blank then field should be invisible.
 These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs.  An example would be a ""Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. "
11	CheckOff5	bit	"Optional Job check off number 5.  The label for this field is found in JCSyst.  If the label field is blank then field should be invisible.
 These ""check offs"" will be used for selecting jobs.  An example would be a ""Engineering"" or ""Purchasing"" check off. "
12	JobReleased	bit	Indicates if job has been "Released" to production.  Only jobs that are released can have labor posted against them.  Once labor is posted to a Job this flag cannot be changed.  
13	JobHeld	bit	Indicates if the Job has been placed on "HOLD".  Currently this field is only used for display purposes.  It may be used later to prevent or provide warnings and messages in appropriate areas such as Shipping, Purchasing, Labor processing, etc.
14	SchedStatus	nvarchar	Scheduling Status Control (R-Required, P-Pending, A-Active, C-Complete).  NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED.
15	JobNum	nvarchar	Job number.  Unique key to identify the production job.  When adding "new" records and this is left blank the system will assign a job number.  Assigning numbers will be done by using a "database" sequence number.  Then using that number loop and increment until an available number is found.
16	PartNum	nvarchar	"Part number of the manufactured item.  Does not have to be valid in the Part master.  Cannot be blank.
With verion 8.0 and Advanced Production License a job can have multiple end parts. These are defined in the JobPart table.
This field has not changed. But will now be used to indicate the primary end part that is being produced. That is, the JobPart record where JobPart.PartNum = JobHead.PartNum will be considered as the primary end part. A primary part is only significant on Concurrent mode of production, because it?s quantity drives the material/operation requirements."
17	RevisionNum	nvarchar	Part Revision number.  Defaults from the most current PartRev.RevisionNum.
18	DrawNum	nvarchar	Engineering Drawing Number.  An optional field.  Defaulted from BomHead.  
19	PartDescription	nvarchar	The description of the part that is to be manufactured.  Use the Part.Description as the default. 
20	ProdQty	decimal	"This field is not directly maintainable. The value stored here will be different than it was in the pre 8.0- versions. If ProcessMode is  Sequential then this is a total of ALL end parts that are being produced on the job. If Concurrent then it is the production quantity of the primary part /PartsPerOp .  For example 1000 bottle caps are require, 100 caps are produced per machine cycle would result in ProdQty of 10.
 See JobPart table for information on end parts of a job. 
21	IUM	nvarchar	The unit of measure for the job.  Defaulted from Part.IUM.
22	StartDate	date	The Scheduled job start date (including queue time).  This is not directly user maintainable.  It is calculated/updated via the scheduling functions 
23	StartHour	decimal	This field is established by scheduling.  It represents the "Hour offset from the beginning of the work day" when this job is scheduled to begin (including queue time).
24	DueDate	date	Scheduled finish date for the entire Job (including move time).  This is not user maintainable.  It is updated via the scheduling process.  
25	DueHour	decimal	This field is established by scheduling.  It represents the "Hour offset from the beginning of the work day" when this job is scheduled to end (including move time). 
26	ReqDueDate	date	Indicates the date at which this job needs to be completed.  This is maintainable by the user.  It can be defaulted as the earliest due date of the linked orders.  This due date is used as the default date for "backward" scheduling of the job.
27	JobCode	nvarchar	An optional user defined code.  This will be used for report selections and views of job headers. 
28	QuoteNum	int	Contains the Quote number reference.  This was assigned when the job details were pulled in from the quote.  It will be used to show quote figures compared to estimated and actual.
29	QuoteLine	int	Contains the quote line number reference. (see QuoteNum ) 
30	ProdCode	nvarchar	Product Group Code.  Use the Part.ProdCode as a default.  This can be blank or must be valid in the ProdGrup table.
31	UserChar1	nvarchar	UserChar1
32	UserChar2	nvarchar	UserChar2
33	UserChar3	nvarchar	UserChar3
34	UserChar4	nvarchar	UserChar4
35	UserDate1	datetime	UserDate1
36	UserDate2	datetime	UserDate2
37	UserDate3	datetime	UserDate3
38	UserDate4	datetime	UserDate4
39	UserDecimal1	decimal	UserDecimal1
40	UserDecimal2	decimal	UserDecimal2
41	UserInteger1	int	UserInteger1
42	UserInteger2	int	UserInteger2
43	CommentText	nvarchar	Editor widget for Job header comments. 
44	ExpenseCode	nvarchar	The default override expense code that will be used for all labor reported against this job.  When this is entered then it will override all over default logic for developing the default G/L expense account in labor entry.  This can be blank or must be valid in the LabExpCd master file.
45	InCopyList	bit	Indicates if the final assembly is to be included in the browse of assemblies in the  "get details"  function.  The user can use to option to keep the "Copy from" list from becoming cluttered with too many assemblies.  This does not prevent the user from copying this assembly it just keeps it out of the browse.
46	WIName	nvarchar	"This field is blank or contains the UserID.  When not blank it indicates that some or all the operations of this job are in a ""What if"" scheduling mode.  In this condition the scheduling board prevents other users from modifying any operations on this job until the changes get committed.
This field is also used as part of an index which allows the system to quickly find the operations that need to be reset to ""Actual Schedule""."
47	WIStartDate	date	The Scheduled "What If" job start date (including queue time).  This is not directly user maintainable.  It is calculated/updated via the scheduling functions 
48	WIStartHour	decimal	This field is established by scheduling.  It represents the What-If "Hour offset from the beginning of the work day" when this job is scheduled to begin (including queue time).
49	WIDueDate	date	Scheduled "What If" finish date for the entire Job (including move time).  This is not user maintainable.  It is updated via the scheduling process.  
50	WIDueHour	decimal	This field is established by scheduling.  It represents the What-If "Hour offset from the beginning of the work day" when this job is scheduled to end (including move time). 
51	Candidate	bit	"Indicates if the system considers this  Job as a candidate for the completion process.  Jobs that are marked as JobClosed = No, JobComplete = No and Candidate = Yes can be viewed in the Job Completion/Closing program by selecting the Candidates option.
This field is not directly maintainable.  It is set to based on the value of JobOper.OpComplete of the last operation of the final assembly.  "
52	SchedCode	nvarchar	Scheduling Code.  SchedCode references a record in the SchedPri table.
53	SchedLocked	bit	If yes the Jobs' schedule is locked, and not affected by the SchedCode.  Locked jobs are allocated (and over-allocated) machine time before any non-locked jobs are scheduled.
54	ProjectID	nvarchar	Associates the JobHead with a project in the Project table.  This can be blank.
55	WIPCleared	bit	For closed jobs (JobHead.JobClosed = yes) this indicates if all of the costs on this job have been removed from WIP.  Costs are moved out of WIP during the "Generate WIP transactions" process.
56	JobFirm	bit	A flag which controls whether or not the MRP process can make changes to this job.  MRP can only make changes when JobFirm = No.
57	PersonList	nvarchar	A LIST-DELIM delimited list of people.
58	PersonID	nvarchar	"Identifies the Person to be used as the Production Planner.  This person is responsible for handling the manufacturing suggestions to this job.
Manufacturing suggestions can be filtered by Planner.
Relates to the Person table.  Defaults from the ProdGrup.PersonID."
59	ProdTeamID	nvarchar	Production Team for the Job.  Associates the JobHead with a ProdTeam.
60	QtyCompleted	decimal	"Production quantity completed.
Updated via JobOper write trigger.  If JobOper is the ""Final Operation"" (see JobAsmbl.FinalOpr) then this is set equal to JobOper.QtyCompleted."
61	Plant	nvarchar	Site Identifier. 
62	DatePurged	date	The date the detail for the Job was purged.  The detail is the LaborDtl, PartTrans, and JobOpMac records associated with the job.  Once details have been purged the job cannot be reopened.  A job must be closed for it to be purged.
63	TravelerReadyToPrint	bit	Indicates if the Traveler can be printed. Print functions are not available if this is = No.
64	TravelerLastPrinted	date	The last date the job traveler was mass printed.
65	StatusReadyToPrint	bit	Indicates if the Status can be printed. Print functions are not available if this is = No.
66	StatusLastPrinted	date	The last date the job status was mass printed.
67	CallNum	int	The Service Call number that this Job is linked to.
68	CallLine	int	The Service Call Line that this Job is linked to.
69	JobType	nvarchar	Describe the type of job this is: MFG = Manufacturing, MNT = Maintenance, PRJ = Project, SRV = Service
70	RestoreFlag	nvarchar	Used to determine if this record was modified during the last What-If Schedule Restore.  The contents are Date-Time.  Example: "04/11/02-34221".
71	PhaseID	nvarchar	Project Phase ID
72	AnalysisCode	nvarchar	Analysis Code
73	LockQty	bit	Indicates that the quantity on this job is locked
74	HDCaseNum	int	The help desk case that created this job.
75	ProcessMode	nvarchar	"Values: S(Sequential) or C(Concurrent).
Defaults as S. Must have Advanced Production License to change. Controls how the operations and material requirements are developed. Concurrent jobs are used where the production time is based on the number of machine operations performed and not on the number of parts created. For example, a stamping operation where each cycle of the machine stamps out x number of parts. A further extension of this is that the operation can yield multiple different parts from each cycle of the machine.  Identification of these parts and there associated PPO (parts per operation) is define in the JobPart table. 
76	PlannedActionDate	date	The planned date when the job needs to be actioned by the production department to make sure that the job is ready on the planned completion date.
77	PlannedKitDate	date	The date that the job needs to be ready for the warehouse to kit to make sure that it is ready for the job start date.
78	MSPTaskID	nvarchar	The task ID that is returned from Microsoft Projects.
79	MSPPredecessor	nvarchar	This is the Microsoft Project predecessor. This needs to be a text field as MSP may pass back an alpha numeric string.
80	UserMapData	nvarchar	Character field that will contain the coma separated data that has been returned from Microsoft Projects. This data will be retained exactly as it was returned from MSP. This field will NOT be editable within Vantage.
81	ProductionYield	bit	Flag to indicate whether operations for this job will use the production yield features set up in OpMaster for the operation code. Defaulted from Site.ProductionYield
82	OrigProdQty	decimal	This field will be set to the value of the JobHead.ProdQty at the time the JobHead.Engineered flag is set to true.
83	PreserveOrigQtys	bit	This field is used to indicate whether the original quantities should be reset in the job header and its assemblies at JobHead update if JobHead.JobEngineered has been changed from false to true. Generally the orig qtys will be reset, unless this flag is set to true because the user was asked if they wanted to reset the orig qtys and they answered yes.
84	NoAutoCompletion	bit	If set to yes then exclude this job from the Job Auto-Completion process. Not directly maintainable.
85	NoAutoClosing	bit	No Auto Closing. If set to yes then exclude this job from the Job Auto-Closing process.
86	CreatedBy	nvarchar	The user that created this Job.
87	CreateDate	date	The date that this Job was created.
88	WhseAllocFlag	bit	Indicates if the PartWhse allocation needs to be/has been updated by the new time delated process. 
89	OwnershipStatus	nvarchar	This field can be used with external system integrations to identify which system currently has ownership of the record.  This field can hold either the name of the external system (example: PDM), ERP (Vantage) or null.
90	PDMObjID	nvarchar	Holds the internal object id of PDM parts.
91	ExportRequested	nvarchar	This field is used to store a code that represents the external system that the Job is being exported to (ex. PDM).  This field is short lived, it is used to instruct the write trigger logic to create IM records for certain types of external systems.  After creating the IM records, the trigger logic should immediately clear the field.
92	SplitMfgCostElements	bit	Flag to indicate how to split the manufacturing cost elements when a manufactured material is issued to the job.  If flag is set to true, the cost of the issued material will be split into individual manufacturing cost elements. If set to false, the cost of the issued material is added to the manufacturing material cost element only.  This is defaulted from the JCSyst.SplitMfgCostElements and is not user maintainable.
93	XRefPartNum	nvarchar	Cross Reference Part Num. Used for alternate serial mask support.
94	XRefPartType	nvarchar	"Cross Reference Part Type. Used for alternate serial mask support.

I=Internal Cross Reference / C = Customer Part"
95	XRefCustNum	int	Customer Number XRefPartNum is related to if it is a customer part. Used for alternate serial number mask support.
96	BasePartNum	nvarchar	Base Part Number. Used in the configurator to identify the configurator part Number.
97	BaseRevisionNum	nvarchar	Base Revision Number. Used in the configurator to identify the configurator part revision Number.
98	RoughCutScheduled	bit	Indicates if the job was rough cut scheduled.
99	EquipID	nvarchar	"The ID of the Equipment that this ""Maintenance Job"" is for.
Foreign key component to Equip table."
100	PlanNum	int	"Preventive Maintenance Plan Number that this ""Maintenance Job"" is for. Foreign key component to EquipPlan table.
Note: A Maintenance Job does not have to be for a Preventive Maintenance plan, in which case this is zero.
If time based plan, then the closing process will update the EquipPlan.NextDate. Therefore, the Job must know the EquipID and PlanNum in order to do this.
101	MaintPriority	nvarchar	Maintenance Job Priority. Valid values: H - High, M - Medium, L - Low.  M is default or if created from a Maint Request then MaintReq.Priority is used as default.
102	SplitJob	bit	Internal field indicating this job was created by a job split.  Assigned true when a job has been split due to start minimum lot size quantity processing.
103	NumberSource	bit	Indicates the type of prefix which is used for create jobs in MRP
104	CloseMeterReading	int	The Meter Reading value entered at time of Job Closing.  
105	IssueTopicID1	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 1.  Pertinent to maint jobs only. (JobType = "MNT") Foreign Key to HDTopic table.  Must be a top level topic (HDTopic.TopLevel = Yes) and HDTopic.MaintIssue = Yes 
106	IssueTopicID2	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 2. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID1.  
107	IssueTopicID3	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 3. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID2.  
108	IssueTopicID4	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 4. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID3.  
109	IssueTopicID5	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 5. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID4.  
110	IssueTopicID6	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 6. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID5.  
111	IssueTopicID7	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 7. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID6.  
112	IssueTopicID8	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 8. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID7.  
113	IssueTopicID9	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 9. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID8.  
114	IssueTopicID10	nvarchar	Maintenance Issue Topic 10. A sub-topic of IssueTopicID9.  
115	IssueTopics	nvarchar	This is the combination of TopicID1 - TopicID10.  This is system maintained and provides a single word-indexed field for searching.
116	ResTopicID1	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 1.  Pertinent to maint jobs only. (JobType = "MNT") Foreign Key to HDTopic table.  Must be a top level topic (HDTopic.TopLevel = Yes) and HDTopic.MaintRes = Yes 
117	ResTopicID2	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 2. A sub-topic of ResTopicID1.  
118	ResTopicID3	nvarchar	Maintenace  Resolution Topic 3. A sub-topic of ResTopicID2.  
119	ResTopicID4	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 4. A sub-topic of ResTopicID3.  
120	ResTopicID5	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 5. A sub-topic of ResTopicID4.  
121	ResTopicID6	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 6. A sub-topic of ResTopicID5.  
122	ResTopicID7	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 7. A sub-topic of ResTopicID6.  
123	ResTopicID8	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 8. A sub-topic of ResTopicID7.  
124	ResTopicID9	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 9. A sub-topic of ResTopicID8.  
125	ResTopicID10	nvarchar	Maintenance Resolution Topic 10. A sub-topic of ResTopicID9.  
126	ResTopics	nvarchar	This is the combination of TopicID1 - TopicID10.  This is system maintained and provides a single word-indexed field for searching.
127	Forward	bit	Forward Scheduled
128	SchedSeq	int	Scheduling sequence
129	PAAExists	bit	Indicates if at least one subassembly contains a part that is plan as assembly.  It does not indicate if the assembly is marked as PAA - only that the part is PAA in the BOM.  Used in MRP when determining if a job can be reused.
130	DtlsWithinLeadTime	bit	Indicates if the job structure (BOM) was created inside or outside of the mfg lead time for the job part.  Used in MRP when determining if a job can be reused.
131	GroupSeq	int	GroupSeq
132	RoughCut	bit	RoughCut
133	PlanGUID	nvarchar	PlanGUID
134	PlanUserID	nvarchar	PlanUserID
135	LastChangedBy	nvarchar	LastChangedBy
136	LastChangedOn	date	LastChangedOn
137	EPMExportLevel	int	EPMExportLevel
138	JobWorkflowState	nvarchar	JobWorkflowState
139	JobCSR	nvarchar	JobCSR
140	ExternalMES	bit	ExternalMES
141	SysRevID	timestamp	Revision identifier for this row. It is incremented upon each write.
142	SysRowID	uniqueidentifier	Unique identifier for this row. The value is a GUID.
143	LastExternalMESDate	date	LastExternalMESDate
144	LastScheduleDate	date	LastScheduleDate
145	LastScheduleProc	nvarchar	LastScheduleProc
146	SchedPriority	int	Sequence priority used internally by Calculate Global Scheduling Order process to order the jobs to be scheduled by Global Scheduling, it is generated by Scheduling Order Process taking into account the priorities of the jobs
147	DaysLate	int	It indicates the days a job is going to be late in relation to its required due date
148	ContractID	nvarchar	ContractID
149	ProjProcessed	bit	Logical field to indicate if this record has been read by project analysis process
150	SyncReqBy	bit	SyncReqBy
151	CustName	nvarchar	CustName
152	CustID	nvarchar	CustID
153	IsCSRSet	bit	IsCSRSet
154	UnReadyCostProcess	bit	UnReadyCostProcess
155	ProcSuspendedUpdates	nvarchar	ProcSuspendedUpdates
156	ProjProcessedDate	datetime	DateTime field to indicate when this record has been read by project analysis process
157	PCLinkRemoved	bit	PCLinkRemoved
158	ExternalMESSyncRequired	bit	This field determines if the record needs to be synchronized to the Machine MES. Changes to the record will automatically set the value to true.
159	ExternalMESLastSync	datetime	The date and time the record was last synched to Machine MES.  The field is maintained by the Export Mattec process.
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Perfect! I see that SchedCode links to SchedPri. When I load in that table I don’t get any more useful information. So, I think I can ignore that table for now. Thanks for the field descriptions!

Welcome. :slight_smile:


For a moment I thought it was my SQL Script generating the .chm – phew!!!


Hahaha, yeah man I thought it was something weird I may have done too.