Add a Description to UD Tables?

Is it possible to apply a description to our UD tables? I am starting to use more and more of them. I have a handwritten list of what each table contains and what each field is used for, but it seems like there should be a way to add a description to these tables. Has anyone else solved this?

Isn’t there a description in the extended UD table maintenance screen?

EDIT: Never mind :man_facepalming:

You can use the Extended Properties Maintenance to at least add in the label for the field.

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Ohh I see now! There is a place for a description for the table, but it just says: “User Defined Table 2 Not used by Epicor” I wonder if I can update this with a UBAQ…
Thanks for the input!

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Same here, have always used Excel spreadsheets.
I have often thought about transferring my Excel data into a UD table… descriptions, custom usages, etc…
but… to date I’ve been too busy and/or lazy to actually follow-thru.

I bet if there were an easy way to do it, then you would have started in Epicor! :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can add UD columns to UD tables. My predecessors started doing that, but stopped because of the pain of getting a data regen on cloud. We might go back to it since we’re dumping cloud.

If you load data in your UD tables with DMT, use row 2 of your DMT files for column descriptions. Leave the Company column blank and DMT will emit an error for that row and move on.


We use an updatable dashboard with 2 queries (UBAQ) for this.

The first UBAQ is built on Ice.ZDataTable, to change the description of the UD Table.

The second UBAQ is built on Ice.ZDataField (with a join on Ice.ZDataTable), to change the description of the fields in the UD Table. Because after a couple of month I can’t remeber what “Character02” is used for.

Here’s a quick screenshot:


This is what I was thinking! I have not tried it on my end yet, but I am glad to see someone else is doing this too. Thank you!

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Hello Mathieu,

Do you have to reapply these after upgrades?


Mark W.


To be honest, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience with a complete Epicor Upgrade…


The only issue I see here is if you have a multi-function table where you define what the purpose is in one of the keys. The Character01 for Key1=“EDI” may be different than the Character01 for Key1=“Job”. Kind of like how the TranGLC uses RelatedToFile.


You are right. On the screenshot this particular UDTable is completely dedicated to a single use. If a table has multiple uses (different key “types”) we could enter more details in the description field, for example:

[Key1=“EDI”] Customer number, [Key1=“JobNum”] JobMtl description, …